Chapter 6: Sunday Funday

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Chapter 6: Sunday Funday

Rainbow had just finished breakfast as she heard a light knock on the front door. She sighed and started walking toward it. She swung the door open.

"What do you-" she started but paused as soon as she realized there was no one was there. She frowned, but as she was about to close the door again, she noticed a letter resting on her doormat. She looked around before hesitantly picking it up. Rainbow closed the door, walked over to her couch and sat down. She stared at the front of the letter.

"To Rainbow Dash, From someone special"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in both excitement and curiosity. Could it be..? She tried to carefully open the letter, but it wasn't easy when her hands were shaking. So instead, she ended up tearing it apart until she reached the piece of paper in the middle. She quickly picked it up. Her eyes were moving quicker than ever as she scanned the contents.

"Meet me at Sugar Cube Corner. ~AJ"

At Sugar Cube Corner –

"Do you think it'll work?" Fluttershy asked, clearly a bit worried.

"Oh, it must!" Rarity answered. She sounded very confident and positive, as always.

"...I don't know. What if this whole thing doesn't have anything to do with Applejack after all? Rainbow's not easy to trick," Twilight said.

"You're right, but we have to give it a try, don't we?" Rarity answered, a little less confident this time. "It clearly is important, since she won't tell us anything about it," she added. Twilight opened her mouth to answer but then-

"APPLEJACK! I came as soon as I-" The four girls turned around to find the cyan girl standing in front of them, panting as if she'd run the whole way to the café. She had a very surprised look on her face, but it quickly faded and was replaced with a glare.

"What are YOU guys doing here? Where's Applejack?" she asked between breaths.

"Uhm... Yeah... About that.. Applejack isn't really here," Pinkie said with an awkward smile. Dash crossed her arms.

"Oh yeah? And how exactly do you know that?" Twilight took a deep breath.

"This is where Applejack is supposed to talk... But since she clearly isn't here, I'll say it instead. The truth is, we set this whole thing up.." she said, trying to sound calm and supportive to her friend. Rainbow looked down in disappointment.

"..I knew it." She started and then turned around. "She hates me after all," she muttered, so quietly that the others couldn't hear. The girls looked at each other and shrugged. Rainbow started walking away.

"Wait! We didn't set this thing up for nothing!" Pinkie shouted after her friend and ran in front of her to block her path, exactly as she had done a few days prior. "We wanted to hang out. You know, like we do every Sunday? Sunday Funday, remember?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah. Sunday "Funday"," she said and walked around the pink-haired girl.

"NO, WAIT! DON'T GO DASHIE!" she shouted, once again. Rainbow kept walking.

"Rainbow Dash dear, why are you acting like this?" Rarity said calmly. Twilight stepped in.

"If you hang out with us today, we won't bother you anymore. If not, we'll keep trying to get to you. Your choice," Twilight said. Rainbow stopped and turned around. She stood still, thinking for a while before finally giving in.

"...Fine." The four girls smiled at her.

"Yay," Fluttershy said quietly in the background with a small blush appearing on her face.

"Alright, let's go inside, shall we?" Rarity said with a bright smile.

"Whatever," Rainbow answered and walked close behind the other girls as they made their way into the cafeteria. They paid for their orders and settled down by an empty table. Twilight noticed pretty quickly that Rainbow was sitting a few inches away from her, as if she would die at the slightest touch. She was also looking the opposite way. Twilight looked over at Fluttershy, who was talking to Rarity and Pinkie Pie at the moment. She gently nudged her with her elbow to get her attention. Fluttershy turned around to face her.

"Yes, Twilight?" she asked with a small smile. Twilight quietly mouthed " Talk to Rainbowdash". Fluttershy gave her a confused look.

"You tattooed a rainbow crash?" she asked, clearly very confused. Twilight face palmed herself.

"No," she whispered. "I said, talk to Rainbowdash!" She said quietly and pointed at the rainbow-haired girl beside her. Fluttershy stared at her.

"Why me?" She asked shyly. Twilight sighed.

"Because you're the element of kindness! Remember?" Twilight whispered back to her. A light blush appeared on Fluttershy's cheeks.

"Oh. Right," she said. She then cleared her throat and turned around to look at Rainbow Dash, who was currently making eye contact with her shoes.

"Uhm... Hi. Rainbow Dash," she started. Rainbow looked at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Sure." She said with an emotionless voice and then looked back at her shoes again. Fluttershy looked back at Twilight.

"Try again!" Twilight whispered to her. Fluttershy looked at Rainbowdash again.

"Are you sure, Rainbow Dash?" She asked with her low voice.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, but she was still looking at the ground. Fluttershy gave Twilight an "I tried" look and simply shrugged. Twilight then looked over to Rarity, who was still talking to Pinkie Pie. She didn't want to interrupt their conversation so she decided to talk to Rainbow herself.

"Rainbow Dash, look. I know you're upset but you need to talk to us. We're your friends, whatever it might be, we'll always be here for you. We love you, and we can't take seeing you so upset all the time anymore. Please, we might be able to help you. Talk to us, Rainbow." After Twilight had finished her sentence, she noticed that she somehow had caught both Rainbows and the other three girls' attention. They were all looking at Rainbow Dash, who was sitting with her back facing them.

"Twilight's right. You can tell us anything, we are your friends after all. Whatever it is, we will always be here to help you," Rarity added. Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded in agreement. Rainbow turned around to face the girls, but she didn't know how to react. She wanted to just let it all out, tell them everything that was going on, but she didn't have the courage to do so.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. It's just a small thingy that happened a few days ago. Big deal." Rainbow Dash lied, trying to act as cool as possible although she was dying on the inside. She never knew how much rejection could hurt until now. The girls didn't believe her one single bit.

"I don't think Applejack would like it if you lied like that." Pinkie Pie stated. Rainbow's head shot up at the name.

"Come on Rainbow, let us help," Twilight said. She sounded a bit desperate, which really annoyed Rainbow Dash. She stood up and slammed her hands against the table.

"Why do you even care anyway? Ever heard of privacy?" Rainbow shouted at them. "Just leave me alone!" She turned around and made her way out. She could hear the girls calling her name but she completely ignored them. As she was walking out of the cafeteria, she didn't pay any attention to where she was going and bumped into someone, resulting in her falling to the ground.

"Hey! Watch w-" she started but then quickly went mute as she looked up. Her jaw fell to the ground.


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