Chapter 24: Misunderstood

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A/N: heyyyy it's been ages. I'm really sorry, I've been on a trip so I've been really busy but I'll be updating regularly now. love you all, thank you for 5k views!

Chapter 24: Misunderstood

"H-hold on a minute... what?" Soarin stuttered, staring at the girl in front of him with raised eyebrows in a mix of confusion and surprise. Applejack nodded confidently.

"Yup," she replied simply as she crossed her arms across her chest and closed her eyes confidently.

"Really?" The blue-haired tried again.




"Oh." Soarin stood, unsure of what to say next. "W-why didn't you tell me before?"

"It's been... complicated."

"Well yeah, I've noticed... but still," he said while shifting awkwardly on the spot. "Also- why are you telling me this?"

"Aw shucks. Are ya sayin' that we ain't friends or somethin'?" Applejack asked mockingly with a small smirk. She watched as Soarin opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it again, appearing to be hesitating before he carefully answered.

"I dunno... I mean kinda, right?" He looked awfully uncomfortable in the situation, as if he'd just been put on the spot. The blonde stared at him for a while before snickering and leaning forward to gently shove him with her elbow.

"I'm just teasin' ya. Soften up." She winked jokingly at him with a smile, to which he returned, despite still looking confused and unsure. "Anyway, she doesn't know that I told ya this. I just wanted to let ya know so you don't go and try stealin' my girl," she added finally.

Soarin choked out an awkward laugh before smiling and nodding.

"Y-yeah, okay... Got it."

"Good morning!" Twilight greeted happily as Rainbowdash made her way into the classroom.

"Hey," the girl replied with a smile and yawn.

"Long night?" Twilight asked, leaning forward towards the other girl's desk with a knowing smile as she fluttered her eyelids. If Rainbow didn't know any better she'd think the purple-haired girl was flirting with her. She blinked at Twilight's suddenly interested face a few times, her vision still blurry from getting up so early, before realization slowly dawned upon her face. Her eyes that previously had been squeezed shut and rubbed immediately shot up.

"WHA- what!? No!! I mean- never! W-well I dunno... hopefully sometime... But no! Not yet! It's way too early!" she blurted, earning more than just a few surprised glances in her direction. Twilight looked taken aback as her wide eyes blinked a couple of times before she suddenly burst out in laughter.

"Oh calm down Rainbow Dash! that's not what I meant," she said through giggles. "I didn't even think about that!" Rainbow Dash immediately felt her cheeks heat up as she quickly averted her eyes away and started scratching the back of her head nervously. She only now noticed how people were shooting weird looks in her direction but she couldn't seem to care less as she cleared her throat before proceeding to speak up again.

"...I-I knew that! I was just testing you," she countered weakly. Twilight kept laughing as she shook her head, pretending to buy the excuse. "But seriously, I just couldn't sleep last night. Lots of things on my mind," the magenta-eyed girl added as she brought her hands up to her chest and crossed them neatly on top, shifting her gaze down with a sigh. Twilight studied her closely before nodding slowly in understanding.

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