Chapter 3: The Confession

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A/N: Aaannd I'm back! Here's chapter 3 of this story. Also, thank you so much Damcclub for all your nice comments. Here we go!

Chapter 3: The Confession

Rainbow Dash woke up the next morning feeling super energetic – the complete opposite of how she was feeling the previous. She turned the alarm clock off and practically flew out of bed to get ready for school. She usually wasn't like this at all, but going to school meant that she would see Applejack, her girlfriend. Calling her that still felt weird, since they only started acting this way yesterday.

When Rainbow Dash had finished breakfast, she grabbed her school bag and ran out of the door.

For the first time in years, if not the first time ever, Rainbow Dash was actually early for class. Way too early. No one was even there yet. She walked down the empty hallway to her locker, putting all her stuff in and grabbing the required materials for the first class. As she made it to the classroom, she only needed to wait outside the door for a couple of minutes before a saw a familiar face appeared. But it wasn't the one she was hoping it to be.

"Oh, hi Rainbow Dash. You're early today," Fluttershy said with a smile. Rainbow smiled back at her.

"Hey Fluttershy. Have you seen Applejack?" she asked immediately.

"No, sorry. She usually doesn't show up this early." Fluttershy put a finger to her chin, as if thinking. "Neither do you, actually..." she pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. But I just felt extra happy about school today, you know?" Rainbow said and ran a hand through her hair. Very casual, Rainbow.

"Oh, I see."

"So what about you? Why are you here this early?" Rainbow Dash asked, still fidgeting with her hair. Extremely casual indeed.

"Oh, me? I'm always this early since I have to wake up at sunrise to feed my pets. I usually leave the house at 7," she answered.

Rainbow Dash just nodded as an answer, unsure of what to reply to the statement. And so, a silence surrounded them. It wasn't an awkward one though, rather a comfortable one. Rainbow found her entertainment in studying the hallway filling up with more students for every passing minute.

After what somehow felt like an eternity and 5 seconds at the same time, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity showed up. But not Applejack.

"Good morning!" Twilight said brightly as she and the other girls walked up to the two girls waiting outside the classroom door.

"Good morning girls," Fluttershy replied softly with a warm smile. She then proceeded to let her eyes wander to Rainbow Dash, noticing how the girl hadn't said a single word upon the others' arrival, but the athlete wasn't even bothering looking at any of her friends. She was too busy studying the crowded hallway, searching for a certain blonde.

"Rainbow Dash darling, what are you looking for? Did you lose something?" Rarity said with a slightly concerned look.

"Oh! I'm really good at finding things! What did you lose? I'll find it for you!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"No, I didn't lose anything," was the only reply they received. She was still not looking at them. The girls exchanged confused glances.

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