Chapter 14: Sleepover

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Chapter 14: Sleepover

By the time Applejack had made her way back inside the gym hall, the class was already finished. Students were making their way out of the room and she spotted her friends doing the same.

As she considered whether or not to approach them, a soft voice startled her.

"So– uh.. blondie, what happened out there?"

Applejack looked over her shoulder, lifting an eyebrow with an unamused look plastered across her face.

"Blondie? Really?"

Soarin shrugged lightly. "Sorry, I'm not good with names."

Applejack studied him for a while. She squinted her eyes slightly as she spoke.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

It was lunchtime.

Rainbow Dash was sitting alone, staring absently at her sandwich. She was deep in thoughts, wondering what would happen next. Surely she wouldn't be able to just 'move on' and watch her crush, that is also her best friend, marry a guy she isn't in love with. Rainbow Dash wondered when Applejack and this "Adam" was planning on getting married, and how she was going to tell the others about it. She poked at her food out of boredom, still in denial of the whole situation. She realized that somehow, the confession had only managed to leave her with more questions than she had before knowing the truth.

"Darling, you do know that your food isn't planning on eating itself up, do you?"

Rainbow Dash turned to her right to see Rarity, followed by her three other friends, join her by the table. Twilight took a seat in front of her, smiling slightly.

"We heard that you and Applejack had a little talk earlier today. Is everything okay?"

Rainbow shrugged. "I guess," she replied, looking back at her meal.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pinkie leaned her head over the table to stare at the rainbow-haired girl with a raised eyebrow.

Before Rainbow Dash had the chance to reply, she heard a small thud beside her and looked over to see yet another brick being put down and join them.

"Hey y'all," Applejack greeted.

Rainbow Dash stared at her. The girl returned the gaze with a small smile.

"Oh- uh, hey Applejack," Twilight replied in return, a bit surprised to see the two girls casually sitting next to each other. A few seconds of tension passed, the other girl's seemingly just as surprised, until the purple-haired girl suddenly forced a smile and blurted out,

"Do you- er- feel like using the restroom, Applejack? Because I sure do! What a coincidence, right?" she laughed nervously as she grabbed Applejack by her arm. "We'll be right back," she managed through her very obviously forced smile before pulling the blonde out the door.

The door closed behind them quietly.

"What just happened?" Fluttershy asked in the middle of the confused silence.

"Twilight- what in tarnation are yall doing!?"

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