Chapter 25: Strange Behaviours

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Chapter 25: Strange Behaviours

Apple Bloom fell off her seat.

"Now hold on a minute!" she stuttered. The girl standing in front of her nodded slowly, making sure to not break the intense eye contact they were sharing. Apple Bloom gaped at her, unable to speak a single word. "Y-you.. w-wha..." she attempted, but quickly gave up and settled with staring in shock.




"Er- okay... that's good to- uh- know..?" the younger girl said finally, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"Yeah cool. That's all, I'm leaving."

"Oh... uh, bye?"

"See ya."

The door closed with a click, leaving the shocked young girl alone on the living room floor, jaw wide open.

Applejack scratched the back of her head in confusion. She didn't understand what Rainbow was talking about at all, not to mention how furious she appeared to be about it. With a sigh, she picked up her bag, swung it over her shoulder, and started making her way out of the classroom.

It was colder than usual today. Not freezing cold, but colder. As Applejack quietly strolled down the streets, the barn started appearing before her. And she suddenly stilled.

"Rainbow Dash?" she asked in surprise at the girl who was stomping away from the direction she was heading towards, arms crossed. The green eyes girl couldn't tell if she was simply trying to warm herself from the cold, or if she was still in a bad mood from the previous events. Rainbow jumped, slightly startled. Applejack's eyes studied carefully as the girl opened her mouth to say something, froze, snapped her jaw back closed, and a large smirk spread across her lips.

They stared at each other for a few moments in complete silence, before Rainbow finally turned her face away and proceeded to walk away confidently, as if she never even saw the blonde. Applejack raised an eyebrow and watched the magenta-eyed disappear with questionable behaviour, before she shook her head and chuckled to herself. Rainbow was so childish. Applejack was sure that she'd probably get over this 'grudge', or whatever it was, soon enough.  She smiled slightly before turning her head back towards her destination, only to be greeted with a-


Applejack blinked.

"Uh- what can I do for ya, sugar cube?" she asked her younger sister, still a little taken aback at the unique greeting. Apple Bloom shot her eyes up and stared intensely into the emerald ones, as if searching for something. The older sister gulped awkwardly. "Hello, Apple Bloom? Can ya hear me?"

A finger shot up in her face.

"Wha- listen here sugar, you're actin' a bit-"


Applejack blinked again. Several times in a row this time.



"You... What?"


The blonde lightly shoved away the finger pointed in her face and leaned down towards her aggressive sister. She spoke with a surprisingly soft voice.

"Apple Bloom, what's wrong?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" Apple Bloom asked, sounding offended. She furrowed her brows. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Apple Bloom, what in tarnation are you on about?"

"Y-You..." the youngster started, but paused as a hesitant expression dawned upon her features.

"I'm?" Applejack asked carefully, a bit scared to hear what the girl had to say.

"You- uh.. er, well.." Apple Bloom stuttered, shifting her gaze down awkwardly.

"What?" The blonde asked sharply, sounding a bit irritated this time.

Apple Bloom swallowed before her eyes shot up again.


It took Applejack a while to catch up with the sudden words, as she stared at her sister in disbelief. Silence filled the air. Neither girl moved as they stared into each other's eyes intensely.

After a whole painful minute, which had felt like hours, Applejack finally managed to get her senses back.

"Girls? Of course I like them. They're nice and caring and, uh," she mumbled dumbly, almost to herself.

"Applejack, you know what I mean! Stop playing dumb!"

Applejack's eyes widened a bit before they finally switched to a harsh, intense stare. Apple Bloom watched the change and took a cautious step back.

"She told you?" Applejack asked sharply. Both girls knew who she was referring to.

"I- uh, yeah.."

Applejack frowned.

"What in tarnation is her problem!?" she snapped, throwing her arms up in the air dramatically, before bringing a hand to place on her forehead. Apple Bloom swallowed. It's been a while since she last saw her sister look so distressed.

"What? You didn't want her to tell me?"

Applejack shot her sister a glare.

"No!" she hissed. The other girl shifted, looking disappointed.

"So you don't want me to know?"

"No! I mean- I, ugh. I don't know! I wanted you to know but I didn't want her to tell you!"

"Why didn't you do it then?"

This seemed to take AJ by surprise, as her angry expression was replaced with guilt. "I wasn't ready," she replied with a sigh. "How much do you know?"

"Well, I know that you like girls.. and that you and her are- you know... uh," she struggled. Applejack stood up straight and cleared her throat.

"Where did she go?"

"I dunno. Why? Are you gunna go yell at her?"

Applejack inhaled deeply.

"No, sugar cube, I'm just gunna go talk to her."

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow with an unamused look on her face. "Really?" she asked sarcastically. Applejack didn't reply, causing the filly to sigh and shake her head. "Just please don't be too harsh on her. I'm actually thankful she told me. I promise I won't tell anyone, so don't worry."

The blonde stared at her in disapproval before finally letting go and accepting the fact that her sister would've found out sooner or later. She nodded lightly.

"Alright," she replied, still sounding slightly unsure. She was rewarded with a huge grin and hug.

"I still love ya, you know? What you like and don't like doesn't matter to me. You're still my sister and I support you always!"

The older sister laughed softly and lightly patted Apple Bloom's head. The tense situation had quickly turned into one of the sweetest interactions between the sisters, and Applejack smiled at the thought. Maybe she should've told her sooner, after all.

A/N: I'm sorry I keep taking a million years to update! Thank you for the endless support, votes, comments, etc.

- A

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