Chapter 2: Don't Push It

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Chapter 2: Don't Push It

After a few seconds of complete silence and just staring into each other's eyes, Applejack was the first one to get back to her senses and stand up.

"Sorry Rainbow... I didn't mean to do that. Are y'all okay?" she asked. Her voice sounded a bit different than usual. A bit shaky.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash replied as she stood up and brushed away all the dirt stuck on her skirt. She then looked up to face Applejack. "I'm cool," she added with a sheepish smile.

Applejack took a deep breath in and gave her a warm smile in return. Rainbow Dash felt her cheeks heat up. Uh oh. She quickly turned around.

"Uhm... Are ya sure you're alright?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. Rainbow just nodded. She was busy trying to calm down her cheeks and couldn't focus on anything else at the moment.

"If ya say so..." Applejack said and crossed her arms. Rainbow Dash kept standing there for a minute in silence. Once calm, she turned back around and cleared her throat.

"Hey, don't you think it looks a bit cloudy?" she asked as she pointed a finger to the sky. Applejack looked up and saw the dark gray clouds covering up all the sunlight that had been there just a few moments ago. She sighed.

"Maybe we should get back ta school before it starts.." Applejack didn't even get to finish her sentence, as the rain started pouring down like never before. "rainin'..." she added. Applejack felt the water dripping down from her already soaking wet hair, her hat feeling heavy as it was a perfect spot for water to collect and reside. The other girl quickly grabbed AJ's arm and started running towards a tree.

"Come on, let's take cover under that tree!" she said, loud enough for Applejack to hear. The water splashed beneath their feet as they made their way to safety. Finally reaching the tree, Rainbow let go of Applejack's hand, feeling slightly disappointed at the lack of excuse to still hold onto it. They stood there, quietly watching the rain pouring down. Between the sound of the heavy rain and strong wind hitting leaves and branches, Rainbow allowed a small chuckle to escape her lips, causing Applejack to raise a questioning eyebrow at her.

"What's so funny?"

"You," Rainbow deadpanned. Applejack frowned at her in confusion. "You look ridiculous," she added as she laughed. Applejack rolled her eyes. And then there was yet another long silence.

"Um... Applejack?" Rainbow finally said.


"Have you ever like... had feelings for anyone?" Rainbow asked as she tried to keep her voice as stable as possible.

"What do ya mean?" Applejack said after a while of thinking.

"Oh, you know.. Liked someone. More than friends?"

Another moment of silence.

"Uhh.. Like best friends?" Applejack said with a confused look. Rainbow Dash facepalmed herself.

"No. Sexually," Rainbow said firmly.

"Oh." The sudden word caused Applejack to blush a little.

"I don't really know actually," Applejack said. "Why?"

"Oh you know... Just curious," Rainbow said as she looked up at the tree to avoid eye contact with the girl who seemed to be drilling her gaze into her. "But 'I don't know' isn't really an answer," she pointed out. Applejack continued staring at her. "I mean, come on. How can you not know if you've liked someone before? You must come up with someone at least."

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