Chapter 10: Unwanted Attention

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A/N: Idk why but I really enjoyed writing this chapter and it's probably my favourite so far. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Chapter 10: Unwanted Attention

Applejack remained still. The sudden explosion she had just witnessed of her dear friend was slowly but surely catching up with her. Guilt crept its way into her mind as she lowered herself, casually taking a seat on the bumpy surface in the middle of the streets. She brought her hands up to her face, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"...I should've just told her."

Rainbow Dash woke up feeling more drained than ever. It was Monday morning, which meant that she, unfortunately, had school to attend. She rolled over lazily, taking a quick glance at the alarm clock by her nightstand.

7:49 am

She turned her head back around, bringing her pillow along to place on top of her aching head. She had spent the majority of the night bawling her eyes out and staring blankly up at the ceiling. All this fuss with Applejack was making her act like a stuck up rebellious 12-year-old and she hated it. Not only that, but it was making her feel feelings she hadn't experienced in a long time. All together. At once.

She felt her head spinning and brows furrowing in frustration.

"Should I call in sick? I'm sick, right?" she asked no one in particular. At the speed she was going, she was already running late and the last thing she wanted was to get up and face her for a whole day. Rainbow Dash wondered what Applejack felt, how she had reacted after the sudden outburst and escape. She wondered what would happen between them now, how to fix this and what to tell her four friends. She rolled over and shot her alarm clock yet another glance.

7:52 am

After minutes of considering if she should just run away and hide forever, she finally came to accept that she'd have to face the problem sooner or later. With a deep sigh, she rose from her bed slowly. Her alarm clock received a third glance.

7:56 am

4 minutes until class started. There was no chance she'd show up on time. Perfect.

Applejack sat by her desk, tapping her pen in her hand impatiently. It was 7:58 am and she was already seated and ready for the class to begin. She had shot quick glances around the classroom numerous times, occasionally letting her eyes rest on the door, anxiously waiting for the teacher's arrival.

"Good morning dear!"

Applejack turned her head around, nervously staring up at the purple-haired girl, smiling above her.

"Mornin' Rarity," she replied with a small smile.

"Are you looking for something, perhaps?" Rarity asked, noticing how the blonde had been glancing repeatedly around the classroom for the past 10 minutes.

Applejack blushed slightly, embarrassed that she'd been doing it so often to the point of gaining attention.

"Nope, nuthin' special. Thanks anyway, sugar cube."

Rarity gave her a warm smile, lightly placing her hand on top of the blonde's to stop the unnecessary tapping. She turned her heels around and made her way back to her seat, Applejack watching her quietly, surprised the girl hadn't confronted her about her odd behaviours the day before.

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