Chapter 12: The Real Confession

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A/N: We just hit 2k reads! Thank you so much, I'll be sending all my love your way! Keep reading until the end of the chapter for some special thanks to some special people <3

Chapter 12: The Real Confession


That's all there was for what felt like years until reality finally hit Rainbow Dash. She gave Soarin a hard push, shoving him off and causing him to fall over.

"Ouch- hey!"

Rainbow Dash didn't bother to even glance down at the boy. She kept her eyes locked on the blonde, who seemed to respond in the same way. She was wearing an expression Rainbow couldn't quite understand, but it didn't look good. Disgusted, almost. Neither of them moved or said anything.


Soarin seemed to have felt the tension building up in the air as he quietly stood up, excused himself, and walked back inside, leaving the two girls to sort out whatever was going on between them.

The rainbow-haired girl huffed before finally breaking the eye contact and turning away, proceeding to leave without a word.


The blonde spoke in a surprisingly calm voice, which caused Rainbow to clench her hands into fists in frustration.

"I have nothing to say to you, Applejack."

"Well, I do."

"You have something to say to yourself? Cool, I'm leaving." By the time she reached the end of her sentence, Rainbowdash had already started taking her first steps.

"I'm gonna tell ya the truth. If yall just listen to me," Applejack muttered, strangely managing to sound desperate and uninterested at the same time. "I mean it this time. No more excuses, no more lies."

Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks.

"Please, Rainbow. I promise."

As Soarin made it back into the gym hall, he was found in an awkward position in the middle of four girls who all seemed to be studying him. He cleared his throat.

"Uhhh... You guys are friends of Rainbow Dash, right?"

"You were just outside with her, right? Did you talk to her? Did the teacher tell you to do that? Why you? What did you say? What did she say? What happened? Is she okay? Is she talking to Applejack now? Or-"

"Pinkie, please calm down. I don't think attacking him questions will get us anywhere," Twilight spoke as she continued studying the boy. She then proceeded to stretch her arm out at him with a small smile.

"I'm Twilight. This is Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. And yes, we're all good friends of Rainbow Dash."

Soaring stared up at them as if expecting more.

"...Soarin," he replied slowly as he took Twilight's hand in his own.

"We know." Pinkie Pie squinted her eyes at him.

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Can I help you?"

"Would you be a dear and tell us what happened with Rainbow Dash? We're worried about her and trying to help but she won't tell us anything so unfortunately, there's not much we can do. We would appreciate it if you would help, you are her friend after all." Rarity gave him a calm smile. He smiled back but sighed soon after.

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