Chapter 27: Intimacy

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A/N: considering I'm a sucker for angst, I want to write another appledash fanfic after I finish this one and I want to make it sad. why not make myself and everyone else cry :D

Chapter 27: Intimacy

Applejack was the first to pull away. She rubbed at her eyes before settling them back on the girl in front of her – the girl whose eyes were shining brighter than any gem.

"Rainbow..." she mumbled quietly as she allowed herself to be led into the said girl's house.

The door closed behind them, and Rainbow Dash couldn't hold back for any longer. The faucet had been covered for too long and her emotions were overflowing. She crouched down to the floor, her right hand still intertwined with the blonde's, her left draping itself over her eyes. She started sobbing. Applejack allowed her eyes to wander between the hands perfectly linked together – as if meant to be – and the broken girl on the floor. She let her body copy the movement and crouched down next to her.

"Hey," she said reassuringly, placing her free hand on Rainbow's shoulder. The girl stiffened in response before lightly shaking it off. She started shaking her head, eyes still covered.

"I'm tired of this, Applejack..." she said between sobs. "Can't you just let me love you?"

Her voice broke at the end of the question and Applejack had to take a few seconds to stare at her before actually comprehending the words. She softly grabbed Rainbow's arm and stood up, bringing her along, and carefully led her across the room towards the couch. The slightly shaking girl with her face still covered could do little but follow as Applejack took a seat and pulled her onto her lap – a position identical to the one they had shared the moment they got caught in the bathroom.

The blonde let go of the other's hand in order to bring up her own. She attempted to pry away the fingers determined to stick to Rainbow Dash's face, but the sobbing girl didn't budge.

"Dash," she said calmly. "Are you embarrassed?"

The only reply she received was a small nod along with a barely audible sob.

"Weren't yall the one tellin' me it's okay to cry?"

A few quiet seconds passed before there was yet another nod.

"Your actions are contradictin' your words, ya know?" she pointed out with a tiny smile. Rainbow Dash groaned.

"It's only okay for other people..." she managed, voice unstable. Applejack circled her arms around the small waist and squeezed it against her body.

"Rainbow, let me kiss you."

"W-what?" was the hoarse answer. The glossy magenta eyes finally made themselves present to stare at the blonde in surprise. Applejack smiled at her and brought a hand up to stroke the wet cheek. She leaned in and planted the softest kiss on it before going back to the warm caresses, and Rainbow Dash couldn't help but sniffle loudly.

"...Stop trying to set me up with Soarin. It hurts," she whispered before submitting to the warm touch and shutting her eyes, causing more tears to shed in the process. "I'd rather die than date that desperate fireboy and watergirl hybrid," she added.

Applejack snorted.

"Fire what now?" she asked with a low chuckle. Rainbow shot her the tiniest smile, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.

"I'm sorry for telling Apple Bloom," she mumbled. "I don't know what I was thinking..."

Applejack responded by pulling Rainbow's body closer to her own. She placed a sweet kiss on the crook of the girl's neck before burying her face into it. She took a deep breath and sighed.

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