Chapter 11: Please Focus

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A/N: ayyee new chapter already! I'm on a roll posting every day.

also, special thanks to kyuwtiie, gamercraze and tornadosketch for all your nice comments, votes and constant support on each new chapter I post! Is it too early to call you guys regulars? xD

Chapter 11: Please Focus

Applejack had run into the gym hall right on time for the class to begin. She was panting hard, putting her hand up in the air to notify the teacher of her arrival.

"Applejack, right on time!"

Applejack nodded, jogging her way into the middle of the room where all the students were gathered. Twilight leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Where were you?"

The blonde cleared her throat awkwardly. "I- Uh, was just taking care of some stuff and lost track of time."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at her questionably before nodding and turning away. Applejack was once again surprised that her friend hadn't questioned her further. It felt strange, suspicious almost.

"Alright, guys. I'm going to split you into four teams..."

As the teacher started rambling nonsense, Applejack frantically searched the crowd for the rainbow girl. Her eyes stopped by the far end of the hall. She pried her eyes away as soon as she spotted her, not wanting to get caught.


Applejack's thoughts were interrupted as she tilted her head up, startled.


"I said you're on team 2. Get moving!" The teacher pointed to the corner where a small crowd of students was gathered and Applejack quickly made her way over there, joining them and nodding apologetically for her lack of concentration.

All students had successfully been placed into four different teams. Luckily for Applejack, Rainbowdash had been placed in team 4. She sighed in relief.

"What's with that sigh?"

Applejack turned around, surprised to see Soarin standing behind her. She was too busy paying attention to where the rainbow-haired girl's team was that she hadn't noticed the boy being placed in her own. She was quite surprised to find the boy talking to her at all. They had only exchanged a few hello's and nods before and Applejack realized this was the first time she's ever heard him say anything other than a small greeting. She smiled slightly.

"Howdy. Soarin, right?" she already knew the answer but felt the need to ask anyway. They only had this one class together and if he wouldn't have been on the same soccer team as Rainbow, she probably wouldn't even be aware of the boy's existence.

"Yeah," he replied with a warm smile. "And you're Applejack?"

Applejack nodded. She wondered why the boy had felt the need to talk to her now, out of all times. She watched in confusion as the boy opened his mouth to say something, but closed it almost instantly. He pointed a finger up, gesturing for her to pay attention to the teacher who apparently had started going through the rules and basics of volleyball.

"We're playin' volleyball?" she asked stupidly. Soarin let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, where have you been for the past 10 minutes?"

Before getting the chance to say anything else, she noticed her teammates suddenly running over to the benches and sitting down next to each other. She followed them slowly, not quite sure what was going on. Soarin laughed once again.

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