Chapter 29: Pillow Talk

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A/N: I started working on my new fanfiction already because I couldn't wait. It won't be nearly as long as this one, but it's alright because I'm planning on writing yet ANOTHER after it; one that won't be as sad. So yeah, big plans coming up. Stay tuned :)

Chapter 29: Pillow Talk

Apple Bloom made her way downstairs only to be greeted by two teenagers suspiciously whispering in the middle of the living room.

"What's going on here?" she asked with an innocent grin.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack exclaimed. "Have you seen Granny and Big Mac?"

Apple Bloom shrugged.

"No, but they're probably upstairs. Why?" she asked with a slight tilt of her head.

Applejack sent a glance in Rainbow's direction, who nodded at her.

"We- er, I mean, I wanna tell them about me and Rainbow," she answered slowly. Rainbow smiled nervously.

"Oh," Apple Bloom said simply. She turned back around to face the staircase again. "I'll go find them," she said before disappearing upstairs.

"...She seems unfazed," Rainbow pointed out in slight surprise. "She wasn't like that the last time I saw her. I thought she was gonna burn the house down."

Applejack chuckled.

"I had a little talk with her. She freaked out for a moment or two, but eventually, she came to terms with it," she explained. Rainbow shot her a smirk.

"A little talk? Oh, please. I bet you scolded her into place."

"Scolded? Not at all," Applejack said and rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms across her chest and held her head high. "That's what I did with you," she added with a teasing grin.

Rainbow Dash gave her a playful shove.

"Here they are!" Apple Bloom declared as she jumped her way down the wooden steps.

Macintosh was walking slowly with Granny Smith by his side, holding her by the arm to help and guide her downstairs.

"Hey y'all," Applejack greeted as Apple Bloom took a seat on the couch.

Upon reaching the floor, Macintosh nodded his greeting at his sister and the guest before making his way to Apple Bloom and settling down. Granny Smith could almost immediately be found in her signature spot on the rocking chair, and Rainbow Dash could've sworn the old lady had teleported.

"Now, what's all this?" Granny asked with a huge, toothless grin as her gaze traveled between the two girls standing awkwardly by the coffee table. "Apple Bloom said you had somethin' to tell us Applejack, but not that Rainbow Dash was here too!"

"Yup," Macintosh confirmed, and Applejack laughed nervously at them.

"Right, I was gettin' to that..." she said.

The three faces stared at them. Two of them with raised eyebrows, and one with a huge, childish smirk. Applejack anxiously cleared her throat.

"Uh, so... Y'all know how Rainbow and I are really close?"

"Yup," Macintosh replied.

"I remember when I was your age," Granny Smith said brightly with a nod. "I had so many precious friendships like Rainbow Dash's and yours."

A burst of muffled laughter could be heard from the youngest, earning her a confused glance from her brother and a death glare from her sister. Applejack failed to notice how the cyan girl next to her had also been snickering quietly to herself.

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