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A couple days pass and alex hasnt left her room

Carol walks up to alex's room, She knocks on teh door

Carol: "alex it's me... i brought you some food...i'll leave it out here"

Carol stays there for a couple of moments to see if Alex would come out. Alex opens the door

Carol: "alex"

Alex was about to shut the door but carol held it open. Since carol had super strength alex wasn't able to shut the door 

Carol: "alex"

Alex backs away from carol

Alex: "no no leave me alone please just leave me alone!"

Carol: "Alex I'm not going to hurt you w-"

Carol looks up and down at alex

Carol: "alex have you been eating? you look pale"

Alex: "I'm, I'm fine carol"

Carol: "alex..."

Alex: "carol im fi-"

All of a sudden Alex starts to feel dizzy

Carol: "Alex?"

Alex:"I'm fine I just need some space"

She goes to close the door but faints.

Carol catches her just before she hit the ground

Carol: "alex! alex... alex wake up!"


Natasha run over from Natasha's room which was down the hall

Nat: "what's wrong?!?"

Carol: "alex. She passed out i dont think shes been eating these past couple of days"

Wanda: "i'll call an ambulance"

At the hospital

Doctor: "she passed out from the lack of nutrients and water"

Nat: "That's what we thought. We thought she passed out from not eating."

Wanda: "do you know when she is going to wake up?"

Doctor: "she will wake up in a couple of hours. Once she is released I would recommend someone to sit with her to make sure she eats for at least 2 weeks. If she doesn't eat, this will happen again but much much worse"

Nat: "thank you doctor"

A couple hours later Alex wakes up

Alex: "c-carol"

Carol: "hey you're awake. How do you feel?"

Alex: "I'm really tired... and a little dizzy"

Carol: "be honest with me... have you been eating these past couple of days?"

Alex shakes her head

Alex: "no i haven't"

Carol: "alex..."

Alex: "i don't want to talk about it"

Carol: " and i won't force it out of you"

She holds alex's hand

Carol: "everything will be okay"

A couple hours later Alex returns back to the compound. Carol and Alex are in Alex's room sitting on the bed.

Carol: "come on alex you need to eat"

Alex: "I don't want to. i'm not hungry"

Carol: "you're really going to make me do this aren't you"

Alex: "what no carol dont y-"

Carol gets a piece of a sandwich and puts it in alex's mouth.

Carol: "I didn't want to do that but you left me no choice. If you want to get better you need to eat. I really hate doing this but we can't have you passing out again.Everyone on the team is worried"

Alex looks down at her hands

Carol: "are you going to have me make you chew as well"

Alex turns to spit the food out

Carol: "no no no no... you're not going to get better if you don't eat. And i'm not going to leave until you eat at least half of this sandwich"

Carol looks at alex. Alex looks down and finished eating the sandwich carol put in her mouth

Carol: "See, was it that hard. now can you try to eat the other half"

Alex looks at carol then at the sandwich

Alex: "fine"

She eats the other half

Alex: "sorry that I've been a pain in the a*s this past hour"

Carol: "It's okay alex. I'll be here if you need me"

Alex smiles a little

Alex: "thanks carol"

Carol: "let's go downstairs everyone is worried"

Alex: "okay"

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