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A couple of weeks later

Alex: "thanks Wanda for offering to watch Lizzie while we visit my mom"

Wanda: "it is no problem. She's such a cute kid. Have fun you two with your mom"

Alex: "Thanks, Wanda. We owe you"

They arrive at maria's house and ring the doorbell

No answer

Alex: "weird"

She rings the doorbell again


Carol: "today's the day right or did we mix it up?"

Alex pulls out her phone

Alex: "no today was the day"

Carol: "her car's here"

Alex finds the spare key under a plant and opens the door

Alex: "mom?"

Carol: "This is really weird"

Alex: "let's check her room"

They walk upstairs to her mom's room

Alex: "mom you in here?"

They walk into maria's room and see maria kissing someone

Alex: "I knew I got it from one of my parents and for sure wasn't my "dad" so it had to be my mom. I knew y-"

Maria: "shit Alex what are you doing here?!?"

Alex: "We were supposed to go to lunch then we were going to go to the movies"

Maria: "oh my god that was today. oh my god"

She digs her face into her hands

Alex: "so who knew you weren't straight. want to introduce us"

Maria looks at the woman then back at carol and Alex

Maria: "This is Alice. Alice, This is Alex my daughter and her girlfriend carol"

Alice: "it's nice to meet you both"

Carol and Alex: "it's nice to meet you as well"

Alex: "we can leave and reschedule for another day if you would like to"

Maria: "no what um"

She looks back and forth between the three of them

Alex: "we will let you both have the rest of the day"

Carol: "we can bring Lizzie next time"

Alex: "yeah mom that would be better. Besides, I think Alice wants to spend some time with you"

She looks at Alice blushing

Maria: "seriously how are you, my daughter"

Alex: "I ask myself that every day"

Maria: "Alexandria Hill!"

Alex: "Командирский холм, я должен уйти, пока директор не узнает ( commander hill shall i leave before the director finds out )"

Carol starts laughing


Alex: "bye mom love you"

Alex and carol leave

Carol: "well that was interesting"

Alex: "very"

Carol: "you need to teach me more Russian. That was hilarious"

They both laugh

Carol: "why don't we pick up Lizzie and do something with her"

Alex: "that sounds good" 

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