Ch 43

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Alex knocks on the door and a few minutes after maria opens it

Maria: "hey alex i wasn't expecting you to come over today"

Alex: "mom can we talk"

Maria: "sure come in"

They walk into the house

Maria: "what's wrong, you seemed worried?"

They sit down on the couch

Maria: "alex whats wrong you seem off"

Alex: "did you want me mom?"

Maria: "what?"

Alex: "did you want to have me?"

Maria: "alex why are you saying this?"

Alex: "mom just tell me the truth please"

Maria: "alex why are you asking me this, you never questioned this before"

Alex: "JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH! Please..."

Maria sighs

Maria: "when i first found out. No i didn't. I was working at SHIELD during that time and i dint wantto give up everything i worked so hard to get in order to have you. When i first started at SHIELD everyone in the academy with me would make fun of me saying i wouldn't get far in teh academy and i wouldn't be able to become an agent. If i did i would probably just stay at level 1. Now im a commander and a level 9 agent. I'm the highest ranking agent behind fury and once he retires i become the new director. I didnt want to give that up. Now that i have you in my life i couldn't be happier. You are my daughter, the light in my life. You are the best thign that ever happened to me and i love you so much. And I'm never going to stop loving you"

She hugs alex

Alex: "I'm sorry i asked mom"

Maria: "its okay"

Alex: "i have another question though"

Maria: "what is it?"

Alex: "am i also the reason you and dad divorced?"

Maria sighs

Maria: "one of th reasons you father and i divorced was related to you"

Alex digs her face into her hands

Maria: "Alex don't blame yoursself for that. Besides there were bigger problems that lead to out divorce"

Alex: "like what?"

Maria; "his job"

Alex: "what did he do?"

Maria: "for a while i thought he made money from owning a club. That was one way he made money but not his main source of income"

Alex: "what would he do?"

Maria: "he would make deals with people. Would help sneak stuff into the country, sell things ot people on the blanket market, everything and anything you could think of he would do. But that wasn't teh worst thing. He would kill people if they ddint do what he wanted them to do. Him or his goons as i would call them. I never knew any of this until i walked inbto one of his meeting on accident. After you were born and he showed his agrression twoards you when you became older i knew it wasn't safe. He was very hostile and i feared if you did one thing wrong he would kill you. He was ruthless and heartless"

Alex: "mom"

Maria: "he never wanted to be a father to you so it wouldn't have mattered"

Alex: "but mom if you were working with SHIELD during that time why didn't you go to SHIELD to arrest him or do something"

Maria: "i couldn't because once i found who he truly was, one of hte most feared criminals, he put a target over your head. If i were to ever go to the police, shield, anyone he would kill you. And i couldnt or wouldnt let that happen. Till thsi day i still fear for your safety that he might do something to you. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to you. He si the eprson i fear most because what he csn do. I lost my best friend renee to him"

Alex: "aunt Renee?"

Maria nods

Maria: "she worked as a police officer and was invesitaging somethig related to him"

Alex; "you said she was murdered"

Maria: "3 of his goons killed her. I live in constant fear for not only myselft but you so please don't try to do anything. I know carol adn your friends are avengers but don't drag them into this because they won't come out alive"

Alex: "i know mom i won't"

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