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A couple of hours later

Alex wakes up, she was nestled up against carol with carols arms wrapped around her

Alex carefully slips out of Carol's grip and grabs her phone from the nightstand. She opens her phone and finds bucky's number

Alex: "hey bucky sorry for texting you 

late... I was wondering if I could 

get the number of that therapist you were

 talking about to me"

A few minutes later

Bucky: "it's fine. I've been 

up for a while. Her name 

is dr Raynor. Here is 

her phone number"

Alex: "thank you bucky"

A couple of days later

Alex: "hey babe I have to head out"

Carol: "where are you going?"

Alex: "um work"

Carol: "but it's Saturday. you don't work on Saturday or Sunday"

Alex: "I know it's just that pepper needed me to work today"

Carol: "Okay, when will you be home"

Alex; "I'm not sure"

Carol: "see you when you get back. Love you"

Alex: "love you too"

30 minutes later

Raynor: "good morning Mrs. Danvers. It's nice to finally meet you in person.

They talk for a bit

Raynor: "from what I've read from your file, you don't have a good relationship with your father which has led to your PTSD"

Alex nods

Raynor: "can you talk a bit about that"

Alex: "I never really knew my dad... he was in my life up until my mom divorced him which was when I was 3 years old. He was abusive towards me... also one of the world most feared criminals"

She continues to talk

Raynor: "you had a run-in with him a couple of months ago, correct. The first time since your mom divorced him"

Alex nods

Raynor: "what did he do?"

Alex: "he kidnapped me and my daughter... he held a knife to my throat and ended up silting it... it took forever for my throat to heal and therapy for my voice to return to normal or close to normal. I almost died in my wife's arms. Every time I hear his name, I freeze and get trapped in my mind only hearing him"

Raynor: "can you tell me more about when he almost killed you, how did you feel after?"

Alex: "weird, and not myself. I sliced open my hand and found out that my half-alien wife's blood was running through my veins, keeping me alive"

3 hours later

Alex opens the front door to the house and walks in. She puts her bag down and walks over to the kitchen. Carol walks into the kitchen

Carol: "where were you?"

Alex: "w-what do you mean?"

Carol: "where were you, Alex? I was worried sick! You weren't at work"

Alex: "yes I was"

Carol: "don't lie to me Alex, you weren't at work. Pepper called me asking me if she could talk to you. It was something important for work. So where were you?"

Alex: "I was nowhere"

Carol: "don't lie to me"

Alex: " I'm not lying"

Carol: "you are Alex so where the fuck were you at earlier"

Alex: "I was at therapy okay!"

Carol: "what?"

Alex; "ever since the encounter with my dad months ago I haven't been the same. I-i"

She starts to cry

Alex: "I am scared every day. If I hear his name or if someone mentions him, I freeze up and- and. I cant deal with this anymore. I just. I just want to be normal again before any of this happened"

Carol hugs Alex and Alex digs her face into the crook of carols neck

Carol: "I'm sorry for getting so upset. I was just so worried"

Alex: "no I should have told you where I was going. I'm sorry"

Carol: "it's okay love... just tell me next time. I thought something bad happened to you"

She kisses Alex

Lizzie: "when is there a time you both never kiss"

Alex and carol laugh

Carol: "way to ruin the moment Lizzie"

Lizzie: "well it was that or being late to peter's party at the compound"

Carol: "We are coming, we are coming"

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