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An hour later

Alex: "i should get going mom, carol is probably worried about me"

Maria: "okay"

She gets up and hugs alex

Alex: "i love you mom"

Maria: "i love you too alex"

An hour later alex gets back home

She unlocks the front door and walks in

Alex: "babe, Lizzie I'm home"

Lizzie: "mom"

She hugs alex

Alex: "hey where is-"

Lizzie: "mom is upstairs in your room"

Alex: "okay i'll be back. Can you help me make dinner in 20 minutes"

Lizzie: "sure mom"

Alex walks up stairs to her and Carol's bedroom

Alex: "babe..."

Carol looks up

Alex: "I'm sorry about earlier"

Carol: "hey its okay its okay"

She hugs alex

Carol: "did you go to your mom's?"

Alex: "yes i did..."

carol: "did it help?"

Alex nods

10 minutes later

Alex: "want to help lizzie and i make dinner"

Carol: "sure"

An hour later they finish making and eating dinner

Lizzie: "hey mom"

Alex: "yes Lizzie?"

Carol: "what's up lizzie?"

Lizzie: "on friday we are having a mother's day event at school and our teacher asked the students to brind their mom...i was wondering if one of you could take me please"

Alex and carol look at each other

Alex: "sure one of us will take you... I'm not sure who. We will talk about it and tell you tomorrow"

Lizzie: "okay. I'm going to play games online with lila"

Carol: "okay sweetheart, we will be down here"

She runs off to her room

Carol: "shit what are we going to do, i have a mission on friday"

Alex: "and i have an important meeting to attend to with pepper for stark industries. We can't tell lizzie we can't go, that will make her sad"

Carol: "this is the thing that sucks as having an avenger as one of your moms than the other working at stark industries that keeps you busy 24/7"

Carol: "I'll see if i can have natasha or wanda take my mission if not, i don't know what to do"

Alex: "i am peppers only assistant and I'm not incharge of the meeting so i can't change the time or anything"

She sighs

Carol: "what do we do if we both can't make it?"

Alex: "no idea"

She leans against carol

Carol: "I'm going to call nat and wanda I'll be back"

Alex: "I'm going to see if pepper will ask one of the other employees if they can attend instead"

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