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A couple of days

Carol and Alex are sitting on the couch

Carol: "you're clingy today. what's wrong?"

Alex: "can you blame me i almost lost you"

She hugs carol and Carol laughs

Carol: "I love that you care about me so much... Ow"

Alex: "sorry! sorry!

Carol: "hey it's okay"

She kisses Alex

Carol: "i know you'll never hurt me on purpose"

A couple weeks later. Alex and carol are eating together in the living room. Alex decides to play a joke on carol

Alex: "carol can you get me a drink please"

Carol: "what did you call me?"

Alex: "carol. what's wrong?"

Carol: "Am I in trouble..? What is..? what is today..? Why Are you calling me carol..? speak to me... Love speak to me!"

Alex: "it's a joke idiot"

Carol: "i thought i did something wrong"

Alex: "no-" 

She laughs

Alex: "no you didn't do anything wrong"

Carol: "thank god"

Alex laughs

Carol kisses Alex on the cheek

Carol: "don't do that to me again. please love"

Alex: "i can't make any promises"

Carol: "why are you so mean to me?!?"

Alex: "because"

Carol: "because why?"

Alex: "just because"

A couple weeks later

Alex: "ms potts i have the new contract with the new owner of hammer industries here. Would you be able to sign it please"

Pepper: "of course"

Pepper signed the paper and handed it back to Alex

Alex: "I'll take this to Adam so he can have it sent out"

Pepper: "thank you, Alex"

Alex:  "no problem ms potts"

Alex leaves then walks back in

Alex: "what would you like me to do now ms potts?"

Pepper: "can you file these papers and finish the report"

Alex: "of course ms potts"

Alex starts to file papers when there is a knock at the door

Pepper: "come in"

Alex looks up. It was carol

Carol: "hey love"

Alex: "babe"

She hugs carol

Alex: "what are you doing here?"

Carol: "i wanted to bring you a little something for your birthday"

She hands her a small bouquet of flowers and chocolate

Alex: "thank you"

Carol kisses Alex

Carol: "happy birthday love"

Alex: "thank you babe"

Pepper: "carol asked me yesterday if you could have an extended lunch. So i am giving you the rest of the day off. You are one of my hardest working people for the company so you deserve to take time with your girlfriend for your birthday"

Alex: "thank you so much pepper"

Carol: "shall we"

Alex: "wait give me a minute and finish this one last thing"

Carol: "okay"

A couple days later

Carol: "hey tony"

Tony: "Yeah?"

Carol: do you mind if i take a week or two off, i want to take Alex somewhere for a small vacation"

Tony: "Sure. Just out of curiosity where are you planning on going?"

Carol: "I was thinking of going to Hawaii. Shes always wanted to go and thought it would be fun"

Tony: "I actually have a house over there if you want to stay there"

Carol: "really"

Tony: "mhm"

Carol: "that would be great. Thank you tony"

Tony: "when do you want to go?"

Carol: hopefully if its possible Friday

 (it's Tuesday)

Tony: "alright. That is fine. I'll have stark industries jet take you"

Carol: "oh tony that's n-"

Tony: "you are going in the jet"

Carol: "okay then. Thanks?"

Later on when Alex got back from work

Carol: "hey love how was work"

She kisses alex's cheek

Alex: "it was a bit stressful. I finished this huge report for stark industries so I'm happy about that"

Carl: "that's good. Do you have any other big projects coming up?"

Alex: "that i know of so far no i don't"

Carol: "that's good"

Alex: "why?"

Carol: "because I have something for you"

Alex: "i don't trust you"

Carol kisses her cheek

Carol: "well i have a surprise for you that you will like... we are going to take a vacation"

Alex: "wait what? why? where?"

Carol: "We are going because you have been stressed and i thought it would be nice to do something away from the compound and away from the team. And we are going to hawii"

Alex: "really"

Carol: "mhm"

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