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Later on.

Alex is at the bar and A man starts to talk to her

The man: "hey beautiful what are you doing here all alone?"

Alex: "no I'm not. please leave me alone"

The man: "oh come on"

He places his hand on her leg

Carol is across the room and looks over where Alex is. Carol sees that alex is uncomfortable so she walks over to alex and sits next to her

Carol: "You are making her very very uncomfortable. So stop touching her and leave"

The man: "and who are you to tell me that?"

He places his hand higher up on alex's leg
Carol looks at the man and smirks

Carol: "because i'm her girlfriend"

Alex has a shocked look spread on her face

The guy: "yeah sure"

Carol turns to alex. carol places a hand behind alex's neck pulling her into a kiss.She stops kissing alex and turns back to the guy

Carol: "clear enough buddy. I think you need to leave" 

The guy gets up and leaves

Carol: "sorry about that you seemed uncomfortable and i wanted to help and sorry about kissing you without a say in it"

Alex smiles

Alex: "thank you carol"

Carol: "can we not tell anyone about this...please"

Alex: "yeah i won't"

Carol smiles

Later on that night. Alex is having flashback of her time with maddie. She gets up from bed and walks over to carol's room. She knocks on the door

Carol:" alex?? What are you doing up so late"

Alex:" i- I had another nightmare... i can't fall back asleep"

Carol: "come in"

She closes the door behind alex

Carol: "Come lay down with me. Hopefully you could sleep better"

Alex falls asleep moments latern Her head resting on carols chest

Carol: "everything will be okay" 

The next morning

Pepper: "has anyone seen alex i need to talk to her"

Wanda: "i think she is still asleep in her room"

Nat: "i can go check"

She walks up to the hallway where the bedrooms are located

Nat: "hey alex... alex"

She opens the door

Nat: "alex?"

Natasha looks around Alex's bedroom but only finds an empty bedroom. She rushes back downstairs

Nat: "I can't find alex. She's not in her room"

Wanda: "are you sure?"

Nat: "i'm sure"

wanda goes upstairs with natasha

Wanda: "did you check the other rooms?"

Nat: "i checked every room except carol's since she still asleep"

Wanda and natasha look at eachother then at carol's door then back at each other

Wanda: "she could be in there"

Nat: "maybe"

They walk over to carols bedroom door. Wanda knocks on carol's door

Wanda: "carol can we come in... carol"

Natasha opens the door

They see carol and alex asleep. Carols arms wrapped around alex

Nat: "aww"

Wanda: "so cute"

Nat: "let's leave them be they will probably kill us if they find us"

Wanda: "yeah"

They close the door and leave them

Pepper: "did you find her?"

Wanda: "yeah shes... sleeping"

Nat: "should we wake her up or let her be?"

Pepper: "Let her be. I'll give her the day off. She's been working really hard"

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