Sid the Spurious

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Bloody Roar: Loud Ch. 31 (Sid the Spurious)

This is Season 2 of the series. This season may focus on other Zoanthropes and characters besides Lincoln. Not only that but they are more of a filler arc (chapters that may hold little but not zero relevance on the story).

Disclaimer: Bloody Roar is owned by Hudson Soft, TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. This chapter is rated T and may possibly become rated M if gore, bloodshed and violence are put to extreme. Also, possible Harem/Polygamous relationship implied. That said, I don't want anyone making OTP ship wars since all ships are treated equally. Also, as per rules of AU (Alternative Universes), some events may or may not take place as such, some characters may or may not appear also (just like the Arrowverse, Marvelverse, DCU, etc... you get the point.)

That said, please enjoy. Leave a like, follow, review and good day. Shalom/Peace!!

PS: This will be a two-part chapter for Sid's story. It will tackle the Spurious-Unborn DNA that infects Sid after getting attacked by a mysterious Zoanthrope. I delayed the parents until probably after the week of Father's Day. Which means the Loud Parents (Rita & Lynn Sr) and McBride fathers (Howard & Harold) will have their chapters. Then it will be the other Male (or Female) Zoanthrope's turn for their time to shine (exceptions with some that had already shone their spotlight). With of course, the mysterious Zoanthrope's turn as finale. And Please READ THE AN BELOW.

Time is ripe for the picking. It was a semestral break from schools and still a few weeks until reopening since the Royal Woods Joint School (Elementary, Middle, High school) had almost finish construction. Ever since Sid Chang's release from the hospital and investigations halted, the young girl had felt urges to give in to her primal instincts of destruction due to being infected by a mysterious DNA of an Unborn Zoanthrope. It's turning her into becoming Death Incarnate, the destroyer of worlds. It was only a matter of time before she succumbs. Lincoln and Ronnie are worried for her well-being so Lincoln decided to stay with Lori for a while and use his free time to continue on searching for clues on how to help his friend. Ronnie just had transferred to Chavez Academy where her uncle Carlos teaches in order to watch over Sid. Although she still lives with her mother in Royal Woods, she also stays with her relatives and her father in Great Lakes.

(Since Arturo works as a doctor in Great Lakes and Maria as nurse in Royal Woods, they kept in touch to shift schedules for Ronnie Anne. Due to the Zoanthrope issues in both places, they often had no vacant time to actually hangout except when WOC and Shaun Tucker deal with the matter, which happens once in a blue moon. Most often than not, they do not trust Tyron-related medicines and experts due to the possibility of being connected to Buzusima the Chameleon Zoanthrope. The severe lack of medical expertise is compromising the ex-couple's time to reconnect and rekindle their lost former relationship. This is a sad note for Bobby... and Ronnie/Nina being the adopted daughter of the Maria and Arturo Santiago.)

Although, Lincoln is supposedly taking a reprieve from investigating, he became slightly restless from the case. He knows that Sid's attacker is still out there and needed to attend to his haptic sense of justice. His conscience could not take it that someone dangerous out there is let loose, let alone if it was Buzusima. But he knows that he had to be tactful of his actions lest he ended up being the danger to innocent humans and Zoanthropes. All he had is information about the attacker that Sid provided after she regained herself. A handsome man that wears red, short but neck-length silver hair and his Zoanthrope form is white and had a mantis or cockroach like figure, kinda like a demon. It was unheard of and there are a few that had white or silver hair. Albert (Pop-Pop) and him are the likeness but the notion of them being the culprit is very far off.

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