Primal Fury Aleph - The Zodiacs

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Bloody Roar: Loud Ch. 41 (Season 3: Primal Fury Aleph - The Zodiacs)

This is Season 3 of the Bloody Roar Loud series.

Disclaimer: Bloody Roar is owned by Hudson Soft, TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. This chapter is rated T and may possibly become rated M if gore, bloodshed and violence are put to extreme. Also, possible Harem/Polygamous relationship implied. That said, I don't want anyone making OTP ship wars since all ships are treated equally. Also, as per rules of AU (Alternative Universes), some events may or may not take place as such, some characters may or may not appear also (just like the Arrowverse, Marvelverse, DCU, etc... you get the point.)

That said, please enjoy. Leave a like, follow, review and good day. Shalom/Peace!!

AN: The ship is Leni x Scott and Becky x Chaz, for consistency of Zoanthrope-Human couples, at least that's what this AU is gonna forward. This chapter might also be short and introductory only. And since this is the continuation of this AU, there might be differences from the current season [especially now that "Casagrandes" got cancelled]. It's been a while but when it comes to writing this one, there will be segments to fit each divided minutes of the movie to fit the element of the crossover with Zoanthropes. To God be all the Glory! And PLEASE READ AN BELOW TOO!

The Temple of Ibrahim... this is Menagerie's collection of religions that worships the creator god Elyon Elohim (Supreme Lord/God) that said to create all things along with Mother Gaea, the counterpart... the Nature. They together made all things to be in mere seven days (Thus forming the weeks). Before mankind's banishment from paradise... the Fall of Man from Eden, the Great Garden that was Gaea's first gift... the Mother of Creation, prepares protectors throughout the world. But before she could give them to Humans, the creatures of Elyon and Gaea's image... Humanity's ingenuity became corrupted and plotted to destroy everything that was made. Fallen Guardians aided a sole family that Elyon had warned and plotted to deliver from the tragedy (Noah's Ark Era). Gaea wept and from her tears of pain, agony and sadness from the human's assault... A storm approached and formed a deluge that wiped them all out. But Gaea became more saddened that her sadness brought misery and death to creation. Only a few survived, the family that were shielded from tragedy by the Protoanthrope (Proto meaning first, Anthrope meaning manlike), beings that were largely known as gods or angels.

When this family survived, Gaea saw hope and helped recede the waters. The family too felt hope as they saw land and brought themselves, along with the animals to repopulate and cultivate the world with their beauty. Elyon then made a vow to them that nothing like this shall happen again. The rainbow, 7 colors that represents the days of a week... was brought to them. Elyon then left and watched over humans to know if they will develop. Gaea joyously created more creature, much evolved and better than before but kept the older ones too, until they return to the dust... defending them. In fact, when Gaea felt some people and creatures are becoming too destructive, she beg her husband to help in healing her even at the cost of some of these creatures must be erased... through meteors of fire and brimstone, the element of healing and purification.

(Fun Fact: Sulfur aka. Brimstone is fowl smelling when burnt... as irony to the depiction of Hell/Gehenna... but the element is also used in healing and purifying. Which is why acne-removing soaps and special ointments are made of Sulfur/Sulphur mixed with other ingredients. In alchemy, the Sulfur symbol is the Leviathan/Devil's Crucifix - not the upside-down one as that symbolizes Saint Cephas/Simon Peter's cross. Get that right next time, Horror Movies!!)

Eras after eras, the rise and fall and rebirth of societies, empires, civilizations... Gaea decided to finally introduce her newly evolved Children... the Zoanthropes... Humans with the capability to gain the strength and appearance of the animals they represent. But some weren't ready as they were treated as monsters. Gaea then formed an island near the Indian Ocean that split apart and merged to two different places... one near Madagascar and the other near New Zealand Islands... a sanctuary for both humans and Zoanthropes alike... the Kingdom of Menagerie.

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