Season 2 Finale: Phoenix vs Charon

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Bloody Roar: Loud Ch. 35 (Season 2 Finale: Phoenix vs Charon)

This is Season 2 of the series. This season may focus on other Zoanthropes and characters besides Lincoln. Not only that but they are more of a filler arc (chapters that may hold little but not zero relevance on the story).

Disclaimer: Bloody Roar is owned by Hudson Soft, TLH/TC are owned by Nickelodeon Studios. This chapter is rated T and may possibly become rated M if gore, bloodshed and violence are put to extreme. Also, possible Harem/Polygamous relationship implied. That said, I don't want anyone making OTP ship wars since all ships are treated equally. Also, as per rules of AU (Alternative Universes), some events may or may not take place as such, some characters may or may not appear also (just like the Arrowverse, Marvelverse, DCU, etc... you get the point.)

That said, please enjoy. Leave a like, follow, review and good day. Shalom/Peace!!

AN: This is officially the season finale before season 3 prologue (The Movie portion). In this, it'll be a battle of Kronus against Xion. Phoenix vs the Unborn. Now the title says that the name of the Unborn is Charon. It is quite fitting since in the myths and Dante's Inferno, Charon is the ferryman of the Nether-realm that brings souls to their torment. Similarly, that is the goal of the Unborn... to bring all of Green Gaea's creation into ruin, to ferry them to everlasting doom. It will be implemented in the story. And for the season 3, chapter 1 (Movie pt. 1), I'll give a bit of sneak peak. Which is, that I will officially ship Leni with Scott while Chaz with Becky (Leni & Lori's friend). It only fits for reasons. One, the movie shown the ship. Two, Becky and Chaz are similar (both are Ace Savvy fans). Three, considering that Leni and Chaz remained as friends due to their Zoanthrope forms being opposite (Leni is carnivorous/Cheetah while Chaz is scavenger/Boar) so this could potentially endanger them as a couple, while both Scott and Becky remained human. At the very least, Human-Zoanthrope relation is prominent from those two couples. To God be all the Glory! And PLEASE READ AN BELOW TOO!

It has been a while since I've started going in writing so let's review what happened before. Kronus trained Lincoln, Clyde, Ronnie and Sid until the dawn arrived. Even if he was using only his Penguin form, he didn't hold back and practically fought 'til there was sounds of bones breaking. It happened every night that they are put to shape until the day arrive that the raid on Tetherby Manor approaches.

But from each day, a surge of signal came flowing through Royal Woods, Great Lakes, Detroit until it surged all throughout Michigan and its outskirts. This signaled those infected with Unborn to uprise and lose control to wreak havoc. At first the damages are minimal and manageable but it grew each day until the sixth and seventh day where an armada came to finally strike a sword on the world. Those who resisted the call of the Unborn where put to a certain larvae state that made them suffer. They secreted some sort of mucus similar to caterpillars or any different larvae of an insectoid species. While there are some who are strong enough to resist developed scales and shells to make them similar to shelled Zoanthropes of various classes (Mammalian, Reptilian, Crustacean, Arthropods or other Invertebrates).

Dr. Tucker, Maria and Arturo Santiago got more busier in helping those who are suffering. More doctors and medical facilities are needed to help in the situation. But the three main doctors prioritized those they've known (Meli, Carl, and Adelaide) but also took other patients. Hoping to ease their suffering as they undergo a certain... metamorphosis.

While the military side of WOC; Yugo, Kronus, and Gado planned to raid the Manor to put a stop on this crisis. They gave tasks to the other mercenaries to handle the armada of berserked attackers to give way towards the pinpointed target. Lincoln, Clyde, and Ronnie volunteered to handle them. Sid joined the main raiders since she holds the most of the Spurious (Unborn Vaccine Replica) DNA to help strike down Xion.

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