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Mark woke up from his beauty sleep. Its 9am in the morning. He went downstairs, he smelled something good is being cooked in the kitchen. He went to kitchen there he saw taeyong hugging doyoung from behind and doyoung is cooking.

"Ahem ahem!" mark made a sound. They go startled, and mark started laughing his ass off. "This is not funny mark" doyoung said with a pout on his face. "Yeah whatever but don't forget that I'm here" mark said. "BTW what are you making?" mark asked, eyes sparkling, he smelled something nice here, "Kimchi egg, wanna try" doyoung gave him a spoonful of egg, he ate it. "Woah this is tasty" he said. "Okay so lets go to the dining room and sat the plates" taeyong said and dragged him in the dining room.

Doyoung came with breakfast in his hands. He served them. Mark really liked doyoung. Taeyong was very happy that mark liked doyoung.


"Hyung lets go somewhere" mark whined, he was bored at home. "Lets visit a zoo" Doyoung came in a room. "Yes that's a good idea" mark agreed with doyoung.

In the evening time, they went to zoo (A/n: I remember teacher giving us essay on a visit to a zoo). Mark clicked so many pictures of taeyong and doyoung. Mark was very happy. He was that happy that he was going forward leaving taeyong and doyoung speedily. Taeyong and doyoung were busy watching bears.

After a while he found himself alone. He looked back, then he realised he is lost. He started running to find them. "Hyung, taeyong hyung, doyoung hyung, where are you?" he shouted while running. "Mark!" someone shouted from behind, there he saw doyoung panting. "You made us worried mark, why did you leave us, now hold my hand and don't go anywhere" doyoung scolded him. Then taeyong also came there. He hugged him and started crying. "I'm sorry hyung, i was so excited that i forgot where i was going" he cried in taeyong chest. Taeyong rubbed his back shushed him.

They went home. Mark was little sad after doyoung's scolding. Because no one ever scolded him because he is really a good boy. He wasn't talking too much, so doyoung decided to make him his favourite food. He asked taeyong for help, he was guilty for scolding him, but what can he do either, he was so worried sick.

Doyoung entered mark's room with delicious food. "Mark, wake up and eat, please I'm really sorry" he said to mark who was under the duvet. Mark peeked his head through the duvet and sat up straight. "Why are you saying sorry it was my fault" he said not looking at doyoung. There was silence between them. "Is it for me?" he asked pointing at food. "Yes i made it only for you" doyoung said while ruffling his hair. Mark eyes sparkled at that, he hugged doyoung "Thank you so much hyung" mark thanked doyoung, "Your must welcome, now eat or it'll get cold, okay" he said left the room.

Mark was there for like a month, he was having fun and doesn't have any intention of going back soon. Taeyong and doyound were busy with their works, but they always took mark somewhere on weekends.

As time passed doyoung slowely started detaching himself, they thought he was like this because of work. They tried to talk to him, but doyoung will just laugh it off saying it's just work he was stressed about.  One day doyoung told mark that he'll go to his parent's house and he'll be staying for somedays and then he never came back. They tried to contact him but he never replied to them. He always left them on read, or he'll never seet it.

One day mark and taeyong decided to go to his house. When they went there, their parents told them that he wasn't home. Taeyong was worried sick for doyoung, because he never went anywhere before telling him. Taeyong sensed something weeks ago that there was something wrong, doyoung was hiding something from him. He tried to ask him what's wrong, but doyoung never told, he just said nothing is wrong, then they never talked about it.

But one day a weird unknown number called taeyong. At first he thought it was some kind of prank call. But when he heard him saying something about doyoung. Taeyong asked that unknown number where was doyoung, but he never told him. He ended the call. Taeyong was now really worried for his boyfriend.

Next day again the same number called him and asked him to come to the xxx hospital. He was praying that it is just a prank. Nothing happened to doyoung. He was rushing outside. Mark said that he'll also go with him.

They arrived at the hospital. They asked 111 room number that unknown number told him. They went inside that room, but there was no one. The room was empty. He thought he was right it was a prank. He turned around to left the room, but mark suddenly stopped him. Mark pointed towards the desk beside bed. There was a letter with red rose placed on top of it. He heart felt heavy. There is a sense of something bad going to happen. He didn't want to open the letter. But nonetheless he opened it.

' Hii taeyong
I hope you're reading this letter, I hope you are doing fine without me. I hope that mark is also fine. I remember how mark would always laugh at our flustered face. I'm sorry for leaving like that, I didn't tell you anything. I was feeling very down for some days, so I went to hospital and there I got to know that i had cancer. I didn't have the courage to tell you. I didn't want to see you worry because of me. You have so many more things to concentrate. I told my parents not to tell you, Yuta also found out about that but I stopped him from telling you. I'm really sorry, I know I promised you that I'll never leave you, but now I had to. If you're reading this letter currently them I'm already dead by now. Don't cry while reading this, please I can't see you like that. Just remember I'm in a better place, I'm watching you from above. You have to be happy for me. We're not meant to be in this life, but we'll definitely meet in our next lives. I love you.


And with that taeyong lost his control. He tightly gripped on the letter. His single tear fell down on the floor. Now he can't control himself. Truck of emotions hit him in a once. He fell on the ground, on his knees. Mark came towards him.

"What happen hyung" mark asked with worried expression. "D-doyoung he i-is gon-ne" he hiccuped between his sentence. "He left me alone, I don't know what to do" he said crying, he looked at the letter again, "Why didn't you told me earlier, i wanted to spend all my time with you, I always wanted to live with you, I wanted to spend my whole life with you, why did you have to leave me" taeyong lost all his senses, he started screaming.

It was really hard for mark to comfort his cousin brother. He was not in a good state. From that day he locked himself in a room. He barely talked to anybody. He didn't want to see anybody. He starved himself, he bacame skinny and had dark circles under his boba eyes, he looked so dead.

Mark was there all the time. He knew how taeyong went through that situation. He was really worried for taeyong, he was sad for doyoung, he liked him a lot. Doyoung took care of him like he was his real brother. But he had to stay strong to look after taeyong. Because there was no one to look after him at that time, he was alone. This time mark was like older brother, he became responsible.

Through this situation mark got to know the taste of real life. He got to know, life is all about ups and dows, life is not always colourful.

A/n: Thank you for reading 💚
        This is the past of taeyong🤧

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