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Renjun focus...

It all started when they moved to korea from china. It was all new for him. The country, the language,the neighborhood, the environment it was all new for him. You can say its a new start for him, a whole new life.

He was eight at that time. He had a little sister. He wasn't fluent in korean. He was still learning.

His sister and him got admission in same school. His sister was better than him in korean since she is more intelligent than him.

He was scared, what if he bump into someone or they started bullying him. What if someone asks him some questions and he gave them wrong answers.

But none of these happened to him. He was happy.


It was first day of his school. He got inside the car, his sister followed him from behind with two cute ponytail.

They arrived at school. They both went to notice board and looked at their schedule. They both went to their respective  classes.

Renjun silently entered his class. He was so nervous. The whole class went silent when he entered the class. He felt like everyone was staring at him, because they were.

One student approached him. That student extended his hands towards him.

He looked at that student he was a bit taller than him. He had a polite smile on his face.

"Hi I'm sungchan and you?"

"I-I am renjun" he replied and shook their hands.

"Do you wanna sit with me" sungchan asked.

"Yes, ofcourse" he smiled at sungchan.

Sungchan was his first friend in school. He was happy that he made a friend.

From that time sungchan helped him with his korean language. He improved so much with the help of sungchan.


Renjun and his sister were walking home from school. It was just their first day. His sister was sharing the story of her day. She was very happy being here. She made so many friend unlike renjun only one.

Renjun was feeling something weird from inside. Like someone was following them.

"Xiuting, are you feeling something weird" renjun whispered in her ear.

"Yes ge, is someone following us" she said with terrified look.

"I don't know" renjun breathed heavily.

"Now what do we do ge! What if he is a kidnapper, he'll kidnap us and then he'll take money from our parents then we'll be poor" she said started walking fast with renjun.

"Okay, so I'll say 1 2 3 then we'll run okay" renjun took his sister's hand in his hand and gripped it tightly.

Lets run"

They started running towards their house.
"Don't look back" renjun said while running.

They realised that the person who was behind them started chasing after them.

"STOP!" That person shouted.

"Xiuting, don't listen to him, lets just run" renjun huffed.

They finally saw their house. They sped up more. And entered the house. And quickly locked the door behind them.


It was evening time. Some rang their doorbell. Renjun's mom opened the door. And welcomed two people inside. He guessed maybe they were just their neighbour. He didn't pay much attention.

"Renjun" her mom called his name. He looked at his mom. "Yes mom"

"Renjun show your room to jae, okay" her mom patted that boy's shoulder to go to renjun. Renjun guessed his name was jae and he was a bit older than him.

Renjun went to his room with jae following him from behind.

"Your room is much cleaner than mine" the boy exclaimed. Renjun chuckled nervously.

"So your name is renjun right" he said.

"Yes, and you are jae right" he coppoied him. The boy laughed at him.

"Actually my name is jaehyun, jung jaehyun" jaehyun told him.

"Ohh, you are too older than me" renjun said. Jaehyun looked at him with shocked look. Renjun was confused at why was jaehyun giving him that look.

He realised that he said something wrong. "Ohh sorry, I mean you are a bit older than me. I am..my...I'm not fluent in korean" he closed his eyes tightly at his mistake.

Jaehyun laughed and said "its okay don't worry, you'll get better. By the way twelve"

"I am eight"

"And yeah you dropped this at street, why were you two running though?" jaehyun gave him a keyring. HRJ was written on that keyring.

"Ohh, Thank you so much" then he stopped a bit then again started. "Someone was following us, so we started running"

"Wait what!? I was behind you as long as remember no one was behind you other than me. You thought I am some kind of kidnapper" jaehyun laughed at him.

Renjun also started laughing along with jaehyun.

And thats how they both became friends. Their first encounter was funny.

They started going to each others house.

A/n: Thank you for reading💚

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