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Time skip...

It's already been a week since jeno's injury. He has fully recovered now. He is now able to go to university. He just started going to uni. Everybody who knew jeno, who were friends with him in uni they welcomed him.

As usual they were all at cafeteria. Chenle was holding a tiffin box securely in his hands. "What are you holding lele" jisung pointed at the box. "Ohh its brownies" chenle replied with a grin. "Who gave it to you?" Jisung was being curious. "Felix, he's from my department" chenle opened the plastic box. Jisung diverted his attention on his food and started thinking.

'Felix felix felix felix ummmm, wait who is this, i can't remember. I think I know him...........Wait isn't he that ausie kid with deep voice'. It's not like jisung was jealous but he was curious because he has heard about him somewhere.

"Jisung do you want some" chenle offered him. "No, thanks" he declined. Chenle offered everyone, and they nicely accepted it. It was so delicious.

Between their conversation jaemin's hand unconcsiously made its way to haechan's waist out of habbit. But what shocked him that, haechan flinched from his touch for the first time. Jaemin said a quick sorry, and started eating his food. Today was a bit more different.

But it didn't go unnoticed by that eye smile boy. He witnessed everything. He also found something odd with haechan. He was being clingy to him past few days. Its not like haechan wasn't clingy before, but its different this time, maybe in a different way that jeno wants.

"Guys lets go to the cafe where we always go, I heard today is something special in their cafe, I don't remember it properly" yangyang made a thinking posture. "Okay then lets go there" mark said and renjun nodded happily.


"Wow, the decoration is nice though" jeno said. They entered the cafe, it was decorated with so many beautiful things made of paper. "Ohh you guys here" johnny cheered. "What's the ocassion man?" Mark asked him. "This special theme is made for couples, we are serving free orders for couples, with this coupon" johnny showed the small paper yo them. "Is this coupon free" haechan asked, "nope" johnny made a pop sound at last. "You have to buy it" taeil interrupted. "Then what's the point, you are still buying your drinks with money, but the only difference is you are buying with coupons" yangyang calculated something in his mind. "Yes that's the point, and this business" taeil said proud of himself because he fooled so many couples. And there are still so many left.

"So can you guys help us in selling these more?" Johnny needed their help, because customers are increasing and they are not enough people. "Yes ofcourse we can help, and we will" renjun clasped his both hands together. Mark was happy that renjun was changing in a good way, he wasn't silent like before anymore.

They started their work, they sold so many coupons. Johnny and taeil both were impressed with these boys.

Suddenly haechan felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He picked it up, it was his cousin jungwoo. "Hello hyung"
"Yes ofcourse" and with this cut the call. Call was not long. "My cousin jungwoo asked me to hangout with him, I have to go" haechan told everyone and went out of the cafè that was filled with different couples.


"Get inside" a car stopped in front of him and ordered him to get inside. He obeyed him. "Where are we going?" He asked. "Club". He looked back to put his on the backseat but he found two unfamiliar faces, one person was with long legs, and one was with short legs. "Who are they hyung" he didn't want to look awkward. "Ohh I forgot to introduce, they are sungchan and shotaro, our neighbours" both boys nodded at their names. "Hi I'm donghyuck, but you can call me haechan" he also introduced himself.

"Why didn't you tell that you are here?" Haechan looked at his cousin. "I just called you" he answered. Haechan made an unbelievable face at his cousin's answer.

"Jungwoo hyung is like this, he also didn't tell us that he was coming to pick us, he just barged at our apartment" shotaro laughed at jungwoo. "Lets team up boys, next time lets barge at his house" sungchan said loudly to get everyone's attention. "Yass lets team up" haechan also yelled. "I can leave you three here, and go to club alone and have fun, remember" jungwoo warned them. "Then leave us, and also remember that we are three we can have fun more than you" haechan smirked. "Its not better to argue with you guys" jungwoo shook his head and sighed.

"We are here" jungwoo told them and they quickly left the car, out of excitement. They left jungwoo alone at the car. "These kids" jungwoo shook his head.

"Stop! Wait for me" jungwoo yelled but they didn't listen and got inside the club, do he had to follow them quickly.

"Have you ever drank?" Shotaro asked haechan. "No" haechan shook his head. "Then lets go" sungchan dragged both of them to bar counter. "Start with something light" sungchan said. "You look like you are so experienced" haechan looked at him. "I use to go to clubs with my friends" sungchan told them. "But don't drink too much" jungwoo said out of nowhere making shotaro flinch.

"Lets have two shots, then we will go to dance" sungchan ordered 8 shots for them. They all got two shots each.

At first Haechan was hesitating to drink it. But it didn't taste that bad than he expected. It was little bitter, but its fine.

They all four went to dance floor. They all danced and then had more shots.  Haechan, Sungchan and jungwoo were a bit tipsy, but shotaro was out of control. They were giggling at any random person or on their own. It was their cue to leave now.

"Guys lets go home, its time to go" jungwoo tried to drag them, but shotaro and haechan were not having any of it. "I don't want to go yet~~" shotaro started whining, "I am also not going~".

"Okay then we are leaving you two here" sungchan proceeded to walk, showing shotaro that he is really leaving. "No don't leave me, I'll go with you" shotaro walk passed sungchan with his jelly like legs.

"What are you thinking?" Jungwoo looked at haechan who was zoning out. "Lets go" jungwoo added. "Uhh nothing" haechan shook his head. "Okay then" jungwoo started to walk away.

While jungwoo as walking he felt something missing. "Haechan lets go" he said. "Hyung I think I need some time alone" haechan told him. "But I cant leave you" jungwoo said. "You can go hyung and also my friend is coming" he assured jungwoo. "Are you sure" jungwoo asked. He nodded his head. "Okay then, see you" jungwoo smacked his arm and went off to his car's direction.

Haechan went back to bar's counter. He ordered some drinks for himself.

While drinking he started thinking of someone, and i guess y'all know who is this.

' Is he really going to replace me with renjun, he likes renjun more than me. But I know him before renjun. Does he like renjun? But still I am his bestfriend. ' Haechan sighed.

He didn't notice that he drank almost two bottles. Well he was already too much drunk by now.

He unconsciously searched someone's number. The latter picked up the call. "Where are you right now jeno" haechan asked. "Apartment" the latter answered. "Hyuck what's with your voice, are you drunk?" Jeno asked. "Probably, probably not" haechan giggled. "Hyuck where are you?" Jeno's voice filled with concern. "I dont know~" haechan said it like he was singing. "Hyuck seriously tell me right now where are you?" Jeno asked again. "Where jungwoo hyung took me, I dont know" haechan said, "where is jungwoo hyung?" He asked. "I sent him home" and the call quickly ended.

Luckily jeno had jungwoo's number. He asked jungwoo for address and he told him.

A/n: Thank you for reading 💚

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