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"Hyuck look at you, why did you have to drink so much" jeno was talking to haechan like he was going to understand everything. "Stand properly first" jeno commanded. "Yes sir" haechan saluted him. Jeno sighed and shook his head.

Jeno had to drag him outside. He sat haechan at a bench outside. "Wait here" jeno sat him properly, covered his body with his jacket. "Where are you going~?" Haechan whined. "I am going to bring you water from car, okay now wait" haechan just hummed and laid his head back.

After sometime jeno came with water bottle in his hands. He helped haechan.

Haechan started babbling something. He didn't understand anything. "Drink it" jeno opened the cap of bottle and passed it haechan. "No~" haechan denied. "Hyuck drink it" jeno ordered. Haechan gave up and drank only two sips. "Its so plain what is this, ewwww" haechan spitted the water.

Jeno sighed "Lets go home" . "Nooooo" haechan whined. "Hyuck its already dark, your mom will be worried" jeno told him. "No I won't" haechan said.

"Hyuck its the last time I'm saying it" jeno made a stern look. "No!" Haechan pouted. "Hyuck don't be so dramatic, lets go" jeno sighed. "Not today~" haechan sang a song and giggled with his hands up in the air. He made his own little moves. Jeno shook his head at his dramatic bestfriend.

Haechan sat down on the bench again. "Hyuck I'll count to three and you have to stand up or I'm leaving you" jeno said. "1..." Jeno side eyed him. "2..." Jeno looked at him again but there's no progress. "3" jeno gave up and grabbed haechan's both shoulder to make him steady. "Lets go now" he started dragging haechan.

Haechan whined again and again, he didn't want to go home. Jeno had to drag him forcefully, this was the first time haechan drank.

"Why do you like him?" Haechan asked suddenly out of nowhere. Jeno stopped on his track processing what just haechan said.

"What do you mean?" Jeno was confused, who was he talking about. Because wasn't in his sober state and right mind.

"You know what I mean" haechan hung his head low. "Who are you talking about hyuck?" Jeno asked. "Why do you like him so much instead of me?" Haechan's eyes brimmed with tears.

"Hyuck you are drunk and what nonsense are you talking?" Jeno said. "I am not talking nonsense" haechan pouted.

"Then tell me who are you talking about" Jeno waited for the answer. Haechan said nothing.

"Renjun" haechan said not meeting jeno's eyes. "What? Hyuck you're drunk let's just go home" Jeno said in disbelief. "I'm not anywhere before you tell me" haechan again sat down crossing his arms. "Who told you that i like him" jeno looked at him.

"I can see I am not blind. Whenever you look at him you always smile. You always take care of him, you shouted at me because of him...When he gave you that painting you were looking so happy. You are replacing me with him." haechan weakly said, tears escaping nonstop from his eyes.

There was a silence for few seconds. Jeno processed everything he heard right now. "What the- hyuck I don't like him in that way" jeno hugged his bestfriend.

"No you like h-im, I know d-on't hide from m-me. You don't l-ove me" haechan hiccuped between his cries. Jeno was confused for why was he actually crying? But wait he loves haechan right.

"Hyuck who told you that I don't love you. I love you hyuck, you are my bestfriend" jeno rubbed his back but haechan cried more.

"Hyuck what happened to you? Why are you like this all of sudden?" Jeno asked still rubbing haechan's back to stop his cries. "You don't love me" jeno knew that haechan was pouting right now.

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