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Adelia's POV:

Percy and I were in English and I was about to ask him to help me with the 3rd question but when I turned my head I could see he was having as much trouble as me with it. Me and Percy were no good at anything in school really. Percy was on the higher end of dyslexia and the middle section of ADHD whereas i was very ADHD and middle section dyslexic. 

Thank god there was only a few minutes left of the lesson till we could leave school for the summer. Percy would be going home to his mom and I... well I wouldn't have such a good time of it. But I knew I would go round to Percys house every day just for the company. 

The bell rung and I'd never been more glad to jump out my seat. Percy and I raced down the hall to the Geography classroom to Grover. Grover was always the weakest out of the three of us. 

Percy was either the calm of our group or he was the storm. I was definitely the storm and therefore left Percy to be the calm most of the time. Grover ran out of the classroom and bumped straight into Percy with a nice THWACK. Grover was acting more scared than usual.

"Grover buddy is something wrong?" I asked him. He nodded, he then signalled for us to follow him. Me and Percy started following him but he stopped Percy and said.

"Dude I'll talk to you later but it's 2 very different conversations," Percy still looked hurt but nodded. Me and Grover went round the corner.

"Look Adelia... I'm not really sure how to say this..."

"God Grover spit it out the suspense is killing me." I said getting frustrated I just wanted to be 'home'.  Grover then yanked my arm pulling me into the Latin classroom. 

"Mr Brunner! You're just the person I need I'm trying to tell Adelia what we talked about but um the words aren't coming out." Grover mumbled. 

"Ah I see Adelia, Grover sit down please. Adelia you know about the Greek gods the one we learn about in class."

"Mr Brunner I dont mean to be rude but it is the summer holidays...."

"Yes dear I understand but I also understand you aren't in the best living conditions right now?"


"The school keeps us teachers up to date" I did not like the thought of all the teacher knowing I practically lived in a box. Fuck them.

"But my dear I have somewhere better for you to stay this year and it is almost like a summer camp.," he held up a weathered hand, "Before you say no to accept my offer you need to know something first......You are the daughter of a Greek god." I stared at him for a solid 2 minutes. I burst out laughing. 

"Mr Brunner that's the funniest joke you have cracked all year," I wiped tears from the corner of my eyes. 

"It is no joke my child! I need you to tell me now if you wish to know more or if you want to continue with your life however dangerous that may be." I paused realising he was being serious. There was so much tension you could cut it with a knife. 

"What would everyone see if i agreed. Percy would notice if i just disappeared?" 

"He would see you running off and crying but do NOT be fooled child Percy is also the son of a Greek god he will join camp shortly. If you choose not to go you must not tell him this information and you may not see him again for a long while." Mr Brunner said his face darkening.

He was a sneaky man. Hold my friends over my head and i would do anything for Percy and Grover. 

"Ok I'll go but if i don't like it I want the free will to leave at any time," i said mentally preparing myself for him to laugh in my face that i believed this. 

"I agree to your terms." Mr Bruner snapped his fingers and golden light shone from them. I covered my eyes so i wouldn't be blinded...

A/N: The first book is under EXTREME editing so if it's not caught up yet and is cringy af that's why.

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