Part 8

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Percy's POV:

That evening, I went to see Adelia with a plate of chocolate covered strawberries from my plate i had kept. I had learnt last year it was one of the only fruits she liked. I knocked on the cabin door admiring the porch. 

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and Adelia opened the door in some silver silk pyjamas. Her hair was tied up into a bun and she had a pair of glasses on. 

"Uh- you wear glasses?" i stammered. She sighed and nodded her head. 

"Yes i wear glasses, only when my eyes are tired though," she said but continued on, "Why are you here Percy?"

I stood for a moment then offered her the plate of strawberries without a word. She just raised an eyebrow. 

"i um i brought you some strawberries since ya know," i scratched the back of my neck "I mean i know they are the only fruit that you really like so...yeah" She took the plate and put it on the floor and hugged me. 

"Thank you! I have a secret stash of food from the Stoll twins but i needed some dessert. Come in." She said releasing me from the hug. I stepped in and looked around my hands in my pockets. 

It was all white and silver inside, there was small gold accents everywhere. There was a white deer head on the wall which seemed to protect the whole house. Adelia showed me to the living room area.

"It's a beautiful cabin and all but it sucks that no-ones here," she said to me whilst rushing around. She pressed a button on a wall and it transformed into a mini kitchen. 

"What the actual fuck? Why doesn't my cabin have this?" i exclaimed. she smirked at me whilst grabbing different crisps out of cupboards. 

"i had Beckendorf put it as a favour to me. It took a while but it's worth it." She muttered "Will you move the couch and armchair?"

I did as she said leaving a massive space in the middle of the room. She laid down a blanket and brought bowls over. She sat down and patted the spot opposite her. I sat down and grabbed a packet of crips. 

"I can already tell this is not going to be a good summer," i said to her. She nodded thoughtfully and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"You know, i never told you how the end of last years prophecy ended. I suppose i should tell you because i reckon there might be another one this time. Something to restore the tree." she said popping a Reeces Pieces into her mouth. 

I had completely forgot about the last bit of the prophecy;

The hunter, daughter of night

decides if she wants to learn her birthright. 

I have to admit i was intrigued. I signalled for her to carry on and she took a deep breath, "i talked with my mother and she told me my 'birthright' was to someday lead the hunters. Like when she no longer exists or is forgotten or something i take her spot. She dumped that on a fucking 12 year olds shoulders." 

She was quiet for a while until she carried on, "My mother says that when i turn 16 i have to choose. So that's basically it but it was a whole lot to deal with."

She looked close to tears so i pulled her close. We sat there for a few minutes until Adelia realised she was crying and wiped her tears. She stood up and brushed a non-existent piece of dirt off her top. 

She started walking towards her sink to wash things up whilst i told her, "It's alright to cry about things you know." 

But i got why she doesn't like crying. Apparently we are the kids of greek gods what have we got to cry about? We get super powers, everything's great we can just wish away our problems.  

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