Part 13

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Adelia's POV:

"It's okay," he lied. "Really. It's fine."

Grover's lower lip trembled. "I wasn't even thinking... I was so focused on helping Artemis. But I promise, I'll look everywhere for Annabeth. If I can find her, I will."

I nodded and agreed with Grover. I was about to add something when Chiron interrupted.

"Grover," Chiron said, "perhaps you'd let me have a word with Percy?"

"Sure," he sniffled.

Chiron waited,

"Oh," Grover said. "You mean alone. Sure, Chiron." He looked at me miserably. "See? Nobody needs a goat."

He trotted out the door, blowing his nose on his sleeve.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked not looking Chiron in the eye. 

I didn't hear a reply but Percy leaned in and whispered, "He shook his head. Not looking good for me." I turned and patted his head. 

Chiron sighed and knelt on his horse legs. "Percy, I don't pretend to understand prophecies."

"Yeah," he said. "Well, maybe that's because they don't make any sense."

I pulled myself up onto the top of the bunk bed he had. I offered him a cookie i had swiped from the dining pavilion. 

He didn't even look at it so i whispered to him, "It's blue." Without hesitation he snatched the cookie from my hand. 

Chiron gazed at the saltwater spring gurgling in the corner of the room. "Thalia would not have been my first choice to go on this quest. She's too impetuous. She acts without thinking. She is too sure of herself"

"Would you have chosen me?"

"Frankly, no," he said. "You and Thalia are much alike."

"Thanks a lot." He said. Oof i offered him a can of whipped cream. He looked at me weirdly, yeah it completely evaded him that i had a secret stash of food everywhere in this cabin. I didn't have my kitchen anymore ok!

He smiled. "The difference is that you are less sure of yourself than Thalia. That could be good or bad. But one thing I can say: both of you together would be a dangerous thing."

"We could handle it."

"The way you handled it at the creek tonight?"

I didn't answer. He'd nailed them.

"It's some bumps in the road." i said, trying to ease the situation.

"Perhaps it is for the best," Chiron mused. "You can go home to your mother for the holidays. If we need you, we can call."

"Yeah," he said. "Maybe."

He pulled Riptide out of his pocket and set it on his nightstand. 

When he saw the pen, Chiron grimaced. "It's no wonder Zoe doesn't want you along, I suppose. Not while you're carrying that particular weapon."

I didn't understand what he meant. Percy looked like he remembered something. I stole the cookie back from him a took a bite. 

I wanted to ask him about the thing he remembered, but then he pulled a golden drachma from his saddlebag and tossed it to Percy. "Call your mother, Percy. Let her know you're coming home in the morning. And, ah, for what it's worth... I almost volunteered for this quest myself. I would have gone, if not for the last line."

"One shall perish by a parent's hand. Yeah."

I didn't need to ask. I knew Chiron's dad was Kronos, the evil Titan Lord himself. The line would make perfect sense if Chiron went on the quest. Kronos didn't care for anyone, including his own children.

"Chiron," I said. "You know what this Titan's curse is, don't you?"

His face darkened. He made a claw over his heart and pushed outward—an ancient gesture for warding off evil. "Let us hope the prophecy does not mean what I think. Now, good night, Percy. And your time will come. I'm convinced of that. There's no need to rush."

Um no goodnight for me? Rude

Percy stood at the saltwater spring, rubbing Chiron's coin in his hand. I felt like i shouldn't be here so i started slinking away to go make some more cookies. But he held up a hand and gestured for me to come stand next to him. 

Finally, he took a deep breath and threw in the coin. "O goddess, accept my offering."

The mist shimmered. The light from the bathroom was just enough to make a faint rainbow. 

"Show me Sally Jackson," Percy said. "Upper East Side, Manhattan."

And there in the mist was a scene I did not expect. Percy's mom was sitting at his kitchen table with some... guy. They were laughing hysterically. There was a big stack of textbooks between them. The man was, I don't know, thirty-something, with longish salt-and-pepper hair and a brown jacket over a black T-shirt. He looked like an actor—like a guy who might play an undercover cop on television.

Oh i started to step back because i did not want to be part of this family situation but then Percy's hand grabbed my wrist. Oh no no no. i did not wanna be here. But by the looks of things neither did Percy.

I was too stunned to say anything, and fortunately, his mom and the guy were too busy laughing to notice the Iris-message.

The guy said, "Sally, you're a riot. You want some more wine?"

"Ah, I shouldn't. You go ahead if you want."

"Actually, I'd better use your bathroom. May I?"

"Down the hall," she said, trying not to laugh.

The actor dude smiled and got up and left.

"Mom!" He said. Oh wow just straight up...

She jumped so hard she almost knocked her textbooks off the table. Finally she focused on me. "Percy! Oh, honey! Is everything okay?"

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

She blinked. "Homework." Then she seemed to understand the look on my face. "Oh, honey, that's just Paul—um, Mr. Blofis. He's in my writing seminar. Hi Adelia, hows things?"

"Mr. Blowfish?"

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