ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 17

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Percy's POV: 

I should have felt surprised or scared but i didnt. "Whats it to you?" I said. 

Annabeths eyes flared, 'Percy this is-"

the biker held up his hand. Who did he think he was? Then i recognised him. 

"Your Clarisses' dad Ares god of war" 

"That's right punk, heard you broke my girls spear?'

"She was asking for it" Adelia scoffed beside me but I ignored her. 

"Probably- i dont fight my kids fights, ya know? I have a proposition for you boy but I reckon you three want to hear about this little lady over here"

The waitress came over and gave us our food. Ares handed her some drachmas. 

"This isn't"she started but Ares started flipping his knives and we didnt see the waitress again. 

"Go for it," Ares said. 

"Well when i ran away  from you guys monsters were after me. I wasn't in good shape and i was hiding between two trash cans. When this devil came to me and i quote said 'look little lady you can either stay here and most likely die or you can come with me learn to fight, to protect yourself and to hone your powers.' So i agreed."

"I couldn't very well let my daughters best friend die!" Ares added. 

"He took me to this cabin in this woodland forest and for a day and a half i trained, slept, ate and then did it all ver again. On the 2nd day at noon Ares came to fight me. We duelled i almost won but he's a god so ya know? He then said 'little lady you've come far i will uphold my end of the deal. What do you want the most?' I didn't know What i wanted at first then i thought about why i ran away and i knew what i wanted. 'I want my fear gone' i told him. He took away most of it but he cant take away all of it so he left a part that i wont need for a while. So then when he went to do his godly business i stole money out of his wallet and went to the hairdressers. I got my hair done then bought a new look along with my belt and straps and new knives. So i got my new look and my new confidence. Do you like it?" She finished with a smirk at the end.

I definitely liked it she was hot as hell. Annabeth was in awe of her

She turned to Annabeth, "You now" So Annabeth told her everything and Adelia sat back and listened playing with her knives. When Annabeth had finished Ares cut in. 

"Right punks here's my proposition" 

"What could we do for a God?" I asked 

"Something i dont have time to do myself. I left a shield at a water park and i need it back. Simple." 

"Why dont you get it yourself?" I said. His eyes started glowing but before he could say anything Adelia threw a knife right next to my pinkie. 

"Why doesn't he turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with his Harley?Because he doesn't feel like it. A god has given you a chance to prove yourself Perseus will you be a coward?" She said i didnt like it when she used my first name. 

Annabeth was shocked and so was Grover. "We already have a quest" i said to Ares. 

"I know about your quest, punk. When that item was first stolen Zeus sent out his best looking for it: Apollo, Athena, Artemis and me naturally. I if I couldn't sniff out a weapon that powerful I dont think you can."

"Right great story we aren't interested we are fine" 

"No food, water or wheels. I could give you a ride west and if you accept my proposition Adelia comes with you" 


"Turn it down a notch Adelia" Ares said, "I'm aware of your...concerns but the others will need you. Now punk ill add one more thing, ill tell you something about your mom." 

'My mom?" I said. 

"Sure that got his attention" Adelia muttered. 

"Tunnel of Love rise, don't disappoint me" Ares said. I must have fainted or something cause when i opened my eyes Ares was gone. 

Adelia was still here. 

"Not good," Grover said "Ares sought you out Percy that's not good."

"It's probably a trick. Lets go" i said. 

"We can't look I hate Ares more than anybody but you can't ignore a god." 

The sun was sinking by the time we found WATERLAND. But half the letters were gone so it looked like WTERND. 

"If Ares brings his girlfriend here for a date I'd hate to see what she looks like"

"Percy be more respectful" Adelia said. I'd firmly decided to ignore her. 

"His girlfriend is Aphrodite Percy" Annabeth said. 

Me and Annabeth went on the Love Ride and Annabeth freaked out when mechanical spiders came out. We escaped just in time before the boat crashed. I hated being tricked and i hated been teased. 

"We need to have a little talk with Ares" i said. 

The war god was waiting for us on the parking lot. "Well well you didn't get yourselves killed."

"Not cool Ares" Adelia said. 

"Cmon little lady you've got to admit it was funny."

"No it wasn't Ares you jerk" She said. We could all sense her anger rising. 

"Adelia calm down" Ares said. 

"NO I WIL NOT CALM DOWN" she yelled "YOU DONT GET TO HUMILIATE MY FRIENDS AND THINK ITS OK! SCREW YOU ARES AND SCREW YOUR SHIELD" she threw it to him. He caught it but he actually looked sad. 

He regained his composure and said "There's your ride west punks. Takes you to LA with one stop in vegas." 

"Thanks Lord Ares" Grover said. 

"You promised me information about my mother," i said. 

"You sure you can handle it?" He said with a smirk, "She's not dead." he clicked his fingers for no obvious reason and drove off with Adelia flipping him off along the way. 

We turned and next to the van was now a motorcycle with sliver flames painted on it. We walked towards it the tag read. 

𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚢. 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚕𝚕 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗. 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚜

So Adelia got a motorbike and i got a animal van. Typical. 

"Cool," Adelia said. "Annie coming for a ride?" 

"You bet!" Annabeth said. "boys you best get in your car." 

I huffed and climbed in with Grover just before the men closed it. 

We went whizzing down roads and we were surrounded by mistreated animals and through the window in the back we could see the girls behind us. Adelia had given Annabeth her helmet so her hair was flowing in the wind. It was a beautiful sight. 

"G-man how did she think i didnt want to look for her?" 

"I dont know Perc but you two need to sort it out." I nodded knowing he was right. I'd ask her at the next stop. 

Author note: 

Why does Adelia think that about Percy? You liking the new look for her? Wooooo MOTOR BIKE. 

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Freya xx

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