ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 22

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Adelia's POV: (warning emotional stuff)

Imagine the biggest concert you've ever been to. Now multiply it by 100. Yeah that's what the Fields of Asphodel looked like. I've come to the conclusion the dead arent scary. They're sad. Suddenly a wave of the smell of food hit me so i turned my head to look at it. 


"That's what it's all about," Annabeth said, "That's the place for heroes"

After walking a few miles we heard a screeching.

"Don't suppose it's too late to turn back?" Grover asked.

"We'll be fine G-man" i said.

"Cmon goat boy," Annabeth said. But suddenly Grover's shoes sprouted their wings and started flapping around.

'Grover stop messing around," Adelia chided.

"But i didn't-" Grover yelped. His shoes started dragging him away from us. "Maia," he was screaming, "Maia already. 911 helppppp"

Percy got over being stunned and lunged for Grover. But too late. Grover was picking up speed, skidding around like a bobsled. We ran after him. 

'Untie the shoes!' Annabeth yelled

Grover tried but he couldn't sit up properly. The slope got deeper. Grover picked up speed. We entered some kind of tunnel. 

"Grover!" Percy yelled. 'Hold onto something" 

"What?" He yelled back.

He was grabbing wildly but there was nothing big enough to stop him. 

The tunnel got darker and colder. The hairs on my arms bristled. It smelt of pure evil. Not a good smell do not recommend. 0 stars.

I stopped dead in my tracks at what i saw. The tunnel widened into a wide cavern with a massive chasm; and Grover was heading straight towards it. 

"Adelia!" Percy said tugging on my wrist.

"But that's-" i started

"I know, the place Percy described in his dream, But Grover is gonna fall if we dont stop him" Annabeth said. She was right and it got me moving again. 

Ironically, what saved him were his hooves. i knew those shoes were always a loose fit on him but did he listen to me...noooo of course not.

Not the time Adelia.

 Right Alessia. 

Anyway one of his hooves hit the ground to hard and the shoes went flying off.  It then dived straight down into the cavern. The right shoe kept tugging but not as fast. Grover grabbed onto a big rock to try and anchor himself. 

We caught him about 10 feet from the edge of the pit. The right shoe tugged off kicked every body's head before I hit it and sent it zooming into the pit. Grovers hands were bleeding.

"I don't know...i didn't..." he started out of breath. 

"Wait," i said, "Listen.."

I heard something a whisper in the darkness. Annabeth said, " Adelia, this place.."

"Shut up Annabeth, no offence but i hear it too," Percy said. Annabeth scoffed but did as Percy asked. 

The sound was getting louder. Evil muttering, coming from he pit.

"Wh-what's that noise?" Grover asked. Annabeth heard it now too. 

"Tartarus, the entrance to Tartarus." She said. The fear in her eyes was evident

I put on my tiara and twisted the moon. Percy uncapped Riptide.

The voice started to falter than continued it's....chanting?

"Magic," Percy whispered

"We have to get out of here," Annabeth said. All of us then dragged Grover to his hooves and walked back up the tunnel. The voice started to get louder and we broke into an all out run. 

Not a moment to soon. A gush of wind flew up the tunnel and tried to pull us back. 

We finally reached the top of the tunnel. 

{time skip}

We arrived the door of Hades' palace. 

Dude you need to stop being nervous. Your fears are waltzing into my sword practice

Alessia god now is not the time

It's never the time with you to be honest Adelia

Yep but i have a plan to help with this all you gotta do is SHUT UP!

The doors to Hades palace opened and we took that as a sign to enter. 

"You're brave to come here Son of Poseidon!" Hades said as soon as we stepped in, "or perhaps foolish after what you have done to me."

"Lord and Uncle i come with two requests," Percy said. Hades had a haughty look on his fac, as if he was better than us that made my anger start to boil. Annabeth laid a hand on my arm, calming me. 

"Only two requests? Arrogant child. Speak. It amuses me not to strike you dead yet."

So they went on and on and on and on and on. I kinda zoned out.

HEY ADELIA! Snap out of it important part coming up!


"Shit dude you need to see a counsellor?" I said.

"How dare you speak to me that way insufferable-"

"Ive been told I'm insufferable multiple time but dude Granda Zeus' bolt has been stolen your shitty helm of darkness has been stolen. Now tell me why Percy a 14 year old with spots," i turned to Percy, "-we need to get that sorted by the way- would want to steal your precious symbol of power?"

"HEY!" Percy said. Annabeth death glared him. 

"Child do not start to cross me-" Hades started to say

"Or what you'll blast me, please go ahead but i promise you Artemis will not be happy. I reckon that she will come for you and it goes bye bye Hades. NOW GIVE PERCY HIS MUM BACK RETURN THE BOLT AND BUGGER OFF"

"Um.. i ... look child i will not cause you any harm because i would rather watch you suffer your fate. But i do not have the bolt. He does" Hades said nodding at Percy. "Open your backpack boy"

Percy did as he was told and a blue light exited the bag showing a 2 foot long bolt. 

"Percy- how?" Annabeth asked

"I dont know-" Percy replied

Hades opened his palm and showed a small version of Percys' mother. "I know why you're here boy you want her but those pearls you hide in your pocket only carry one each. I sense three- no four. Who will you sacrifice? Or will you all go free if thou just give me "

Percy opened his mouth to say something but Grover said, "Perc you cant give him the bolt. I'll stay behind. I'll just be re-incarnated as a plant or something." 

"No!" Annabeth said, " You two go on, Grover yo have to protect Percy and get your licence. Adelia go live your life. I plan to go down fighting"

"Absolutely not!" Adelia yelled, "I'm the person that you dont need, I'm the baggage you guys just go! Percy get your mum and get out of here"

"STOP IT! ALL OF YOU!" Percy said. "Here take these. I know what I'm doing" Percy handed us each a pearl adding the last bit at my face

"Uncle i will find your helm but goodbye for now. SMASH THE PEARLS!" Percy said.

"Godling?..." Hades said. But we had already left by smoke.

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