ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 5

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I ran away from the arena to try and find some clarity but lone behold i bump into the complete opposite. Perseus Jackson. And  Annie who was soaking wet.

"Why are- What? Ya know tell me everything distract me," i asked stopping and starting with about 20 new questions zipping through my brain. 

"Well Percy had a," Annie coughed, "rather embarrassing encounter with Cabin 11. Then i showed him around again. Then we bumped into Clarisse."

"Oh god. Ive only been here a few days and i know that when you use that tone of voice and the name Clarisse things have not gone well, Please continue" i said waving my hand as a signal.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Then Clarisse gave Percy the 'initiation' but that didnt turn out as expected. Long story short Percy blew up the toilets and got everyone bar himself soaking wet. Yipdee doo. He's your problem while i go get changed."

I arched my eyebrow. Percy had remained silent through this conversation so i tried to lighten the mood while Annabeth jogged off. 

"So you became Supreme Lord of the Bathroom?"

He chuckled. "Yea i guess so. How has your day been thus far?

"One, you aren't Shakespeare and two the answer to your question, alright." I linked arms with him. "Although i have an idea for Friday." 


"Woah dont burst any pipes - ya get it cause the, no ok- its capture the flag we do it every Friday and right now Clarisse, who i personally like, holds the banner so Athena is trying to win it."

"Is it always Athena and Ares as the leaders?" 

"Pretty much all the time unless Hermes suddenly becomes great at sports. Come on!" I dragged him to the Athena cabin to try and find Annabeth. There she was on the porch reading the Iliad. 

"Annie!" She looked up and covered her eyes with her hand.

"Oh look its just who i wanted to see." 

"Har har very funny. Annie question time. Can you please invite Hermes to be on your team for capture the flag i have the best idea ever!"

"I'm astoundingly funny by the way. Yes only if you tell me your plan."

I ran up to the porch and whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened and nodded. 

"I'll go invite Luke." She said with a blush. She definitely had a crush on Luke and i mean who could blame her. His Sandy coloured hair and twinkling eyes. Nope nope not happening. 

"Hey you all right. Your cheeks are flushed." Percy whispered. 

"Oh mmmhhhmm."

"I know you need a cool off in the lake."

"DONT YOU DARE PERSEUS JACKSON STAY BACK!" He crept towards me and i ran. I ran all the way to the Hermes cabin. I bolted in and slammed the door shut in Percys face. 

All the other people in the Hermes cabin looked at me. "Sorry..." i mumbled.

(An: Annabeth will have a crush on Luke but that's not why she's blushing ooohhhh)

Moon girl (percy jackson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now