ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 19

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Adelia's POV:

Annabeth and I were having the best time on my motorcycle zipping through traffic making sure to stay behind Percy and Grover. Ya know I wasn't even mad at Grover for saying all that about my mum. Percy however i was fuming at for stopping Annabeth for looking for me. I knew she wouldn't find me but still it was a nice thought. Was i even mad at Percy? No I definitely was. Right?

Eventually the truck stopped outside the stLuo ioaCsn No wait a minute... it's the Lo...Lou...UUGHH curse stupid dyslexia. 

"The Lotus Casino," Grover says from behind me. I jumped. Annabeth had taken off her helmet and was now putting it on the bike while Percy had his hands in his pockets his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.  It was cute in a serious way i guess. Anyway.... Once Annabeth had joined us we stepped inside the hotel and was greeted by a very cheery doorman. 

"Hey kids, you guys look tired. Want to come in and sit down?" 

I'd learned to be suspicious the last week or so. But one look and i could tell this guy was completely mortal. I was so relieved to find someone sympathetic i nodded and said we would love to come in. 

The whole lobby was one gigantic games room. Not cheesy Pac-Man games mind you. There was an indoor water slide and there was a climbing wall and bungee jumping. It had everything i could ever want. A bellhop came over to us and said, "Hey you guys here is your room key."

"Bu-" Percy began to say but Annabeth elbowed him into silence. 

"No no the bills taken care of. No extra charges, no tips. Room 4001. If you need anything just call the front desk. Here are your LotusCash cards. They pay for everything."  He handed us each a green plastic card. Grover asked when the money ran out but the man looked at us as if we were crazy. 

We went to our room. It was a room that had two beds in and another room with a door separating an identical room. Me and Annabeth took the one through the door because it had a bigger bathtub. Percy couldn't see the difference. Typical. I took the first bath while Annabeth checked flicked through a space program. We swapped over and i went to check on the boys. Grover was eating the coke cans. 

"That cannot be good for your digestion Grover!" I said he just shrugged then raised his eyebrows. I pulled a questioning glare and turned around to see none other than Perseus Jackson with a towel round his waist and his wet hair in font of his eyes. "Um..I'm gonna go check on abs...Annabeth um yea see you guys later!" I said stuttering and i heard Grover stifle a laugh. I shot him a glare and rushed out jumping on my bed and screaming into my pillow. Annabeth didnt even look over. 

A few minutes after my meltdown i was reading my book when Percy came in. I thought it was Grover and said, "Grover if you're here to make fun of me get out"

"Um nope not Grover Percy. Annie do you mind-?"

"Nope not at all!" Annabeth said picking up her book on architecture and left the room. 

"So what did you want Percy?"

"Um i kinda wanted to talk.."

"Well no duh we are doing that right now" i rolled my eyes. But i could feel the tension in the air. 

"Ha no i mean i dont get how you could ever..um.. think I wouldn't look for you. I just want some answers here Adelia"

"Oh god ok heavy topic choice. Well we used to be best friend and then now we just.. somethings wrong Percy."

"But what's wrong Adelia cause i sure as hell want to be friends again but you keep finding excuses so tell me what's wrong."

"um.. ok... i guess i just haven't been dealing with this very well.."


"the whole demigod thing. First i was mad at you because you blurted my most private thing to the whole camp. Nope. Don't you dare say anything. I had a perfectly good reason to be mad. But after that i guess i came to terms that my mom abandoned me and my dad didnt want me either. So then its become easier to believe no-one wants me i guess. But i cant blame it on the gods. So i guess i blame you because i hope you will stick by me no matter what." I say rambling

"Adelia it's not ok for you to think things like that and it's not ok for you to use me as your personal emotional punching bag. But I will always stick by you. Pinky promise."Percy said holding up his pinkie. I held up mine and we locked them together in a moment of seriousness. Then we burst out laughing. We walked back to Percys room with a plan of action. 

We walked in with purpose a dramatic pause while Grover and Annabeth looked at us as if we were lunatics. But we probably were to be honest. I looked at Percy and he switched off the lights so it was pure blackness. I cracked some of the glow sticks i found in my draws. It gave us enough light for them to see us. We held up the green cards. 

"Play time!" We said shaking the cards in a jazz handy motion. 

I did the bungee jumping 5 or 6 times loving the adrenaline. Percy went on the water slide, Grover was killing the humans for polluting the earth. Annabeth was playing some brainiac game. I'm not sure when i figured something was wrong. It was probably when i saw the guy next to me dressed in some weird clothes. We were talking then he said groovy! Groovy?

"Hey Darren what year is it?" 


"What year is it in real life?"

"1997" then he totally ignored me. I went around asking people the dates. One guy said it was 1985 and another said it was 1977. I bumped into Percy who by the look on his face had figured it out too. We started searching for Annabeth and Grover and managed to pull them away. We got offered a million more games and different levels like platinum lotus but i declined. 

We came out of the hotel and saw a billboard saying June 20th sale on now at Gucci

We had been at the hotel for five days. 

 An: Hi yall. So I've decided to change my style and just do a brief summary of what happens just to speed the book along. Also I'm gonna skip the next book and move straight onto the Titans Curse next. 


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Freya x

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