A...weird day out

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Adelia's POV:

I'd been at Percy's apartment for a couple of days and I don't think I've ever loved anywhere more. It was always so warm and homely, Sally was the sweetest person on the planet and she made the most wonderful cookies and lasagna. (Separately of course).

Today Percy was going to take me to his favourite Skate Park. I'd hired a silver skateboard from a shop and Percy told me he was going to teach me to skate. I was nervous sure but it can't be as bad as riding a motorcycle right?

We got to the skate park pretty early and I said to Percy, "You are going to have to be a patient teacher"

He nodded and said, "I know!" He ended up with a smack on the arm. 

He started teaching me the simple things and I'd fallen on top of him more times than i would like to admit. Soon i started to get the hand of it and i could turn and go down ramps without falling off. 

I went to grab us some lunch from a burger place across the street while Percy started doing all of his fancy tricks. As i was waiting in the queue he jumped and flipped his board whilst giving me a two finger salute. I laughed and rolled my eyes, then i saw someone else enter the burger shop...

"Nathan is that you?" i asked the boy with fluffy brunette hair. 

He looked around for a second before he saw me, "Adelia?"

I nodded my head and he ran up to me, "How ya doing, A?"

"I'm alright. How's your summer been?" I asked him as I reached the front of the queue. 

"It's been good. I met up with some of the lads and stuff but I just came back from Spain-"

"Two cheeseburgers, two large fries, a Coke and a Fanta please." I told the cashier as Nathan kept on talking. 

He looked at me with raised eyebrows and i asked, "Sorry what?"

He chuckled and said, "I asked if you were here with anyone." He placed his order and we both went to the waiting station. 

"Yeah, I'm here with one of my friends Percy. I must have told you about him."

Nathan shakes his head then his eyes go big, "Oh the Percy that goes to the Summer camp?"

"Yeah him."
"The one with the most amazing eyes and -"

"Shut up!" i told him grabbing our order but Nathan just followed me out. 

"Okay whatever you say, here let me garb your Fanta." he said taking my Fanta with his spare hand. I nodded my thanks and headed over to where Percy was. 


Percy's POV:

I pulled my skateboard up out of the pit and saw Adelia talking to a guy in the Burger shop. She was laughing at something he said and it made my blood boil. But that was just cause I was looking out for her. 

She seemed to know him though that didn't get rid of my anger - in fact it only fueled it.

How long has she known this guy?

Is he a demigod?

How does he know Adelia?


The two were walking back over here so i tried to stamp down on my anger and jogged to Adelia to take my Coke and burger.

"Nathan, this is Percy," Adelia said taking her Fanta back. Nathan? NATHAN! The Nathan in science class? The Nathan she wouldn't shut up about at Westover? 

"Sup dude," Nathan said tilting his head. I copied the motion although tensely. 

I led Adelia and her...friend to a bench. Nathan went to sit beside Adelia but i got there first i had a small smile on my face until he just sat opposite her. 

Shit now i was the third wheel. 

"So Nathan," Adelia said biting her burger, " where did you say you went on holiday?"

"Spain, it was really cool well hot but cool in like a good way." Nathan said. God this guy rambles.

I noticed a bit of ketchup on Adelia's cheek from her chips but before I could say anything Nathan grabbed a napkin and said, "Here you've got some sauce." And wiped it off her cheek. 

I slumped down in my seat nibbling on a chip. Adelia saw my mood change and said to Nathan, "Hey Nathan we've gotta go back to Percy's place soon, so I'll see you around yeah?"

I was thankful we were getting away from this weirdo when he said, "Okay, yeah. Here's my number keep in touch okay?"

Adelia nodded and we headed off back to the apartment. It was a tense silence until I said, "What was that all about?"

"That was Nathan. The one form science class." she said throwing her rubbish in the bin. 

"Yeah but he was super friendly with you. Does he like you or something?" Ia sked her trying to keep my cool. 

She laughed and said, "Percy...Nathan's gay."


A/N: LOL I loved writing this chapter. It was so fricking funny I kinda also thought ahead for The Battle of the Labyrinth cause if Rachel is there we can also have Nathan.  

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