ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 11

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Percy's POV

After dinner that night i came back to Cabin 11 with everyone staring at  me. I managed up until it was lights out. 

I heard the guy next to me whisper, "Yo dude like Poseidon's kid right. I have a question is that girl like your girlfriend or something. She's really hot."

I got up and went out not replying. By the time I'd gotten out I'd left 5 people clutching toes about half a dozen yelping and 12 of them in almost tears. I walked along to the pier wanting to go to the water. To maybe try and find a connection with my dad. I dived in not caring at that moment. I saw a person sitting at the bottom of the pier. It looked like a naiad at first but as i swam closer it was Adelia. And she was not looking good. I panicked and picked her up and swam to the surface.  I got up and hauled us onto the bank. I started gasping but Adelia wasn't. 

"HELP! Someone help!" I yelled all the lights came on in all the cabins. Chiron came galloping out with Annabeth, Clarrise  and Luke. Everyone else turned to look at us. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?" Clarrise screamed.

"I dont know i came out for some....air and then i was swimming in the lake and i saw her at the bottom and pulled her up"

"But you clothes.." Annabeth started to say. I looked down at them. They were completely dry.

"that phenomenon my dear is for another day. For now we get Adelia to the infirmary." Without a word Clarrise came picked her up and glared in my direction before jogging to the infirmary.


The next day i was moved to cabin 3. I didnt have to share with anybody. I had plenty of room for all my things. I called lights out whenever i wanted to. I got my own dinner table. And i was miserable. Just when things were starting to get good. During the next week i never saw Adelia. Everything I went to Chiron and asked it would be. 

"She's doing better but have patience Percy." Finally today i asked and i got a better answer. 

"She could be out today but Clarrise will barley leave her side and insisted that she stayed today. You can visit her if you want." I raced off and burst into the infirmary. I spotted her in the far corner and raced there.

"You harm her further punk and your head will be on my wall, got it?" Clarrise asked stepping in my way. 

"C it's alright ill see you later yeah?"Adelia said weakly. Clarrise nodded to her glared at me then left. 

"Oh my god are you ok i was panicking and was going out of my mind," i babbled.

"Shhh Percy. It's ok I'm getting out of here as soon as possible. Ive bargained with Clarrise to stay for the rest of this morning and ill be out for dinner."

"Well while you have been gone I've officially become a freak. Everyone constantly staring at me."

"Oh god what about me Perc what happened when i come out, the only child of Artemis."

"Um- i" I hadn't really thought about everything that had happened to her. 

"Right punk get out. Adelia needs her meds and to rest."

"C I'm fine really-" Adelia started but Clarrise pushed her down on the bed more gently then i expected. 

I left the infirmary before Clarisse could get to me. Campers steered clear of me. I went to the sword arena to my session with Luke. Cabin 11 was too scared to train with me for what I'd done to the Ares campers. 

"Your going to need all the training you can get," Luke promised, "Now lets try that viper-be heading strike again. Fifty more repetitions."

Annabeth came to find me because i missed our Ancient Greek lesson that morning but she seemed a little distracted. Every time i said something she scowled at me,as if I'd just poked her between the eyes

After lessons she would walk away muttering to herself: "Quest... Poseidon..Dirty rotten..Got to make a plan.." 

Somebody at camp definitely resented me because there was an article o my bed that read. 


I heard the conch horn and went to dinner trooping out dragging my feet. I saw Adelia coming out of the infirmary with Clarrise next to her like her own personal bodyguard. Whenever she stumbled Clarrise got her calloused hands out to catch her. 

When everyone had filed in Clarrise went up to Chiron and whispered something to him. He nodded his head. Adelia went to sit at he Artemis table but Clarrise got up to her and tried to pull her to her table but Adelia shrugged her off. Clarrise then picked her up and threw her over her shoulder. 

"CLARRISE PUT ME DOWN." Adelia screamed. Everyone turned to her. 

"Not a chance girlie." Clarrise said dumping her on the Ares table next to her. Chiron coughed.

"TO THE GODS," he called. 

"To the gods," everyone replied. 

The rest of the day went on as normal unless you count Clarrise walking around with Adelia stopping her from activities whenever she started sweating. At dinner Adelia didnt even bother going to her table and avoided complete embarrassment. 

I went back to Cabin 3 and murmured to myself, "Lights out."

(A/n: Meet Adelia's bestest friend. NOT Annabeth although maybe just maybe we could have a group of four although i wont reveal the 4th member just yet.)

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