Part 4

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Adelia's POV:

 "Of course not,"I muttered. "I'm surprised the Laistrygonians had the guts to attack you with him around. "

Tyson seemed fascinated by my black hair hair. He tried to touch it, but she smacked his hand away.

"Adelia," he said, "what are you talking about? Laistry-what?"

"Laistrygonians. The monsters in the gym. They're a race of giant cannibals who live in the far north. Odysseus ran into them once, but I've never heard them being as far south as New York before. "

"Laistry—I can't even say that. What would you call them in English?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Canadians," I decided. "Now come on, we have to get out of here. "

"The police'll be after me. "

"That's the least of our problems," I said. "Have you been having the dreams?"

"The dreams ... about Grover?"

My face turned pale. "Grover? No, what about Grover?"

Now you see this blithering idiot always seems to have dreams at the worst times. Dreams that somehow leading me to near death encounters multiple times. This was not looking good. 

 He told me his dream. "Why? What were you dreaming about?"

My mid was racing a million miles an hour trying to figure out a way to tell him not to worry. 

"Camp," she said at last. "Big trouble at camp. "

"My mom was saying the same thing! But what kind of trouble?"

"I don't know exactly. I left for a while. Lived with Grampa for a bit. You know not Zeus but the other one that was angry with dad. Anyway... Something's wrong. We have to get there right away. Monsters have been chasing me all the way from Virginia, trying to stop me. Have you had a lot of attacks?"

I shook my head. "None all year ... until today. "

"None? But how ..." Her eyes drifted to Tyson. "Oh. "

"What do you mean, 'oh'?"

Tyson raised his hand like he was still in class. "Canadians in the gym called Percy something ... Son of the Sea God?"

Percy and I exchanged looks.

I didn't know how I could explain, but I figured Tyson deserved the truth after almost getting killed. Even with his.....kind

"Big guy," Percy said, "you ever hear those old stories about the Greek gods? Like Zeus, Poseidon, Athena—"

  "Yes," Tyson said.

"Well ... those gods are still alive. They kind of follow Western Civilization around, living in the strongest countries , so like now they're in the U. S. And sometimes they have kids with mortals.
Kids called half-bloods. "

"Yes," Tyson said, like he was still waiting for me to get to the point.

"Uh, well, Adelia and I are half-bloods," I said. "We're like ... heroes-in-training. And whenever monsters pick up our scent, they attack us. That's what those giants were in the gym. Monsters. "

"Yes. "

I stared at him. He didn't seem surprised or confused by what Percy was telling him, which surprised and confused me.

"So ... you believe me?"

Tyson nodded. "But you are ... Son of the Sea God?"

"Yeah," Percy admitted. "My dad is Poseidon. "

Tyson frowned. Now he looked confused. "But then ..."

 A siren wailed. A police car raced past our alley.

"We don't have time for this," Adelia said. "We'll talk in the taxi. "

"A taxi all the way to camp?" Percy said. "You know how much money—"

"Trust me. "

He hesitated. "What about Tyson?"

I imagined escorting Percy's giant friend into Camp Half-Blood. If he freaked out on a regular playground with regular bullies, how would he act at a training camp for demigods? On the other hand, the cops would be looking for us.

"We can't just leave him," Percy decided. "He'll be in trouble, too. "

"Yeah. " Adelia looked grim. "We definitely need to take him. Now come on. "

Percy obviously didn't like the way she said that, but he still followed me down the alley. Together the three of us sneaked through the side streets of downtown while a huge column of smoke billowed up behind us from my school gymnasium.

"Here. " I stopped us on the corner of Thomas and Trimble. I fished around in her backpack. "I hope I have one left. "

"What are you looking for?" Percy asked.

All around us, sirens wailed. I figured it wouldn't be long before more cops cruised by, looking for juvenile delinquent gym-bombers.

"Found one. Thank the gods. " Adelia pulled out a gold coin that I recognised as a drachma, the currency of Mount Olympus. It had Zeus's likeness stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other.

"Adelia," Percy said, "New York taxi drivers won't take that. "

"Stêthi," I shouted in Ancient Greek. "Ô hárma diabolês!"

I'd said: Stop, Chariot of Damnation!

Not going to lie, i was not excited about my plan but it was all i had. 

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