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(mentions of rape)

Adelia's POV:

I had been haunted by nightmares of different things all my life. When you're a kid it was monsters in the back of the closet. That became too real. Every nightmare since has been a real event so no one could ever soothe me and say; it isn't real go back to sleep. 

The first nightmare that wasn't scary just...well traumatizing, was when we had just got back from our quest and I saw his face everywhere. Whenever i closed my eyes his face was there - looming over me. 

When i slept i heard his voice. 

"Just relax baby you'll like it."

"Stop being so difficult and just let me do it."

"Stop crying you asked for this."

"Cmon Darlin' you'll enjoy it. You'll thank me."

I would often wake up screaming and would run to the bathroom trying to wash the feeling of his hands of me. It got better with time but sometimes i still needed Annabeth to talk about it. The nightmares came back full force when my father heard about it. 


(At the start of summer)

"ADELIA TOPAZ COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" i heard my father yell from downstairs. Things had been going well recently so i was worried when his voice was angry. I thought since Granda had found him and brought him back into our lives he would... try. Maybe that was over. 

I climbed down the stairs and sitting at the table was Granda and my father. 

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked fiddling with my ring

"Adelia, we have heard some news recently...that you were..." My Grandpa started and i immediately knew what he was talking about. I felt a sense of relief. Like they were here to comfort me and tell me everything would be okay.

"Raped?" I said finishing my Granda's thoughts. 

"Yes, Adelia..." he said before my father interrupted. 

"HOW COULD YOU?" My father yelled. I stood there confused, how could i what? 

"Sorry, what?" I asked

"How could you do something like that? Now you are unclean and no one will ever take you as a bride." My father said. 

I frowned and said, "It wasn't my fault, dad - "

"Yes it fucking was! You were obviously wearing something provocative so this boy thought you were up for it!"

"I was wearing leggings and a t-shirt!" I said raising my voice, "And maybe i don't wanna be married!"

"Leggings show everything off you stupid girl! And so help me god you will get married, if only so i don't have to deal with you!" My father spat. I looked to my Grandpa for help but he just sighed. 

And then said, "I will not house a family that is fighting constantly. No matter what over and I have been waiting for something like this to happen. So one of you must leave or figure something out."

There was a moment of silence before I said, "Don't worry father I'll save you the trouble of getting off your lazy sexist ass. I'll be gone by lunch!"


(Present day)

But that nightmare stopped appearing as much when a new one took it's place. One of a young girl with a braid. She was wearing a headband and a silver coat with bow and arrow attached to the back. She lay down and i listened as she told me how much she missed me and loved me and wished we had longer. Then she changed and told me how it was all my fault and she hated me.

The first time this nightmare happened i shot out of bed tears streaming and ran into the Poseidon cabin but Percy was there dead on the floor along with Annabeth, Grover, Bianca, Thalia, Callie, Chiron, Silena and Beckendorf. then when i turned back around the whole camp was dead their lifeless eyes staring back at me. 

then Luke would speak along with Kronos, "It's YOUR fault. You did this. They followed you into disaster"

I really woke up that time and sat up for hours too scared to go into any cabins in case it was real. The nightmares always felt so real. On the days they happened I wouldn't leave my cabin and would just train in the back yard, needing to become bigger, stronger to protect my friends. 

Sometimes i would wake up and just curse the gods and scream and throw things to get my anger out. Bianca and Zoe didn't deserve to die they deserved to live long prosperous lives. 

Everything seemed so wrong all of a sudden. Nothing fit in the right places. Camp wasn't cheerful it was gloomy. Even Callie couldn't cheer me up. The only thing i was hanging onto was the thought of seeing Percy soon. 

I needed to talk to him about everything.

A/N: So a very short one but a sad one. I felt like this was crappy writing but I just needed to write it. So now you lot have the whole picture. 

See you in the next bonus chapter.

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