Midnight Party

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(when you play the video imagine Adelia is Rapunzel, Percy is Flynn and Annabeth is Maximus and everyone else are the campers. I will describe the dance as well but I would watch the video)

Adelia's POV:

"Please Sally!" I said hands clasped together

"I don't know will it be safe?" Sally asked the two of us. 

Percy dropped to his knees and held his hands up saying, "It's at Camp Half-Blood. Nowhere's safer!" 

Sally thought about it before she nodded and said, "Okay you two can go to the party and stay the night at Camp but you must Iris message me when you get there."

I screamed and hugged Sally with Percy joining us, "ThankyouThankyouThankyou!"

"Hurry up and get ready!" Sally said prying us off her. I grinned at Percy and we both dashed down the corridor as a race to see who could get to their room first. 

I shoved Percy into the wall and started sprinting before he caught my leg and we both went tumbling. I rolled straight into the end and Percy just crashed into the radiator. 

"HA! I win!" I yelled. 

"You cheated!" he groaned. 

"So did you! I'm going to Iris message Callie for makeup so don't disturb me, bye!" I said slamming my door shut. I quickly used the machine i made to create mist and Iris messaged Callie. 

"That will be $25. hey if you don't like the price get Drew to do your makeup!" I heard her yell to a camper. 

"CALLIE!" I yelled she jumped and saw me. 

"Addie! How ya doing?"

"Good but I need your help getting ready for the party." I told her. 

She glanced at a little notebook, "Yeah I don't have another appointment for an hour but they are really cutting it close." I nodded and she continued, "Have you showered, shaved, done your hair and nails?"

I nodded slowly, "Yeah. What's everyone else wearing?"

"Some are wearing dresses but most are going casual. You should wear your camo pants with all the pockets and wear your shimmery silver strappy top!" Callie said looking through her own closet. 

"I dunno but I'll trust you." I told her. i found the items quickly and went out of the Iris message frame to put them on. Once they were on it looked great and was impressed. 

I walked back into the iris message and saw Callie in a light pink dress with some white heels.

"You look fabulous Callie! What do you think?" I asked her giving her a twirl.

"I think it makes your arse look amazing," she said. 

"Callie! No swearing." I told her. 

"That wasn't even a swear but seriously you look great!" She said throwing her hands in the air. 

"Thanks now will you walk me thorough the steps of the makeup please?" I asked her and she nodded. 

It took us half an hour to do the makeup and she also helped me pick out a black chocker with the moon hanging down. She also (very bossily) told me to wear my combat boots. 

We disconnected the call pretty quickly after that and I ran to the living room to find Sally watching tv. 

"Sally I need your help!" I said startling her. 

"What wi- Oh Adelia you look amazing." she said. 

"Thank you Sally but i really need you to curl my hair! I only have half an hour until the party starts!" I told her trying not sound panicked. 

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