I missed you Seaweed Brain!

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Percy's POV:

Mum and I were driving down to Camp Half-Blood going to pick up Adelia for the end of summer. I was so excited to see her i'd really missed her. 

Summer had been alright, I'd been to the skate park had to slay a few monsters but that's a demigods job. I'd made a few mortal friends over Summer but I missed my real ones, Adelia, Annabeth, Thalia and Grover. 

Annabeth was off trying with her dad to see if she would like to stay there. Thalia was off with the hunters so I don't think I'll be seeing her very much anymore. Grover was off hunting for Pan but he wasn't staying too far away from Camp. Adelia was well..at camp. 

Probably packing her things right now or bringing them to the top of the hill to say goodbye to the dragon and maybe even Clarisse. They started to become friends again but weren't as close as they once were. I can't say I'm not happy about that. 

We arrived at Camp very quickly and I climbed out of the car to see Adelia leaning on Thalia's tree. She looked different but in a good way i guess. She looked stronger and her style seemed to have changed a little bit. She seemed to have a motorbiker/combat style going on. Which perfectly fit with the matching grey streak in her hair.

It suited her. 

She saw me and ran up to me arms out ready for a hug. She slammed into me and i wrapped my arms around her. She had definitely been working on something because she hadn't got her perfume on and her hair had a black bandana in. 

"I missed you, Seaweed Brain!" she said pulling away from the hug. 

"I missed you too Moon Girl." i said chuckling. We both went back to grab her bags and put them in the car. 

Adelia then hugged my mom and said, "Thank you so much for letting me stay with you Mrs Jackson!"

"Please call me Sally dear, it's no problem. I have some blue sweets in the car if you want some." was my moms reply and Adelia beamed. 

I chose to sit in the back with Adelia and I started telling her all about my summer and this theme park i went to that was super cool. She seemed happy and soon we pulled up to the apartment. Adelai practically threw herself out the car and almost trip over a sewer grate. I laughed at her but she just gave me the middle finger but in a way so my mom wouldn't see. 

I grabbed one of her bags and she grabbed the other as we hauled them up the stairs into the apartment. The smell of home hit me and Adelia smiled so much it must be hurting her. 

"Your bedroom is the one at the end of the corridor on the left dear." My mom said and Adelia ran to it. She screeched with delight when she saw how it was decorated. 

She had some silver bedsheets on her single bed and the bed frame was painted black with some moons and stars on the posts. Her walls were a light grey with some of her favourite band posters on the wall. It had a small vanity table for her and a desk. She had some silver draws the knobs in crescent moon shapes. 

i scratched the back of my neck, "I kinda worked on it over Summer. if you don't like Ic an totally change it -"

Adelia turned to me mouth open wide, "I love it Percy. Seriously this is the nicest thing anyones ever done for me. But why'd you deck it out for me? Other people will probably stay here at some point."

"Well, I know your situation with your dad is really bad at the moment - though i don't know the full story yet which completely okay - but my mom and I just thought that you can stay here and live with me and my mom. Until your dad is less of a douche or forever if you want..."

Adelia looked close to tears and she ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek which made me blush furiously, "Thank you so much Percy this means so much! I'd absolutely love to live here if you're sure it's alright?"

I nodded and then turned to the room opposite hers, "Uh this is - um my room."

She laughed and went to look inside at the baby blue walls with seashells on and some different pictures of the seaside. I showed her the rest of the apartment. I'd spent all day yesterday cleaning it so it for once looked good. 

My mom was standing in the kitchen and told us that dinner would be ready soon and we had cookies for dessert. Adelia looked so happy that it made me fill up with joy.

We went to unpack her things when she said, "OH! I forget to get some things out the car. Gimme a sec!"

She raced down the stairs and was back within two minutes. She held a box out to me and said, "This is for you! I got it so we would match. other than the hair."

I took the box carefully and opened it cautiously thinking she might have pranked me but inside was a matching ring like hers but with a green gem instead of a blue one. 

I smiled at it and told her, "I love it!" and put it on the same finger as hers. 

"Also," she said, "Chiron said he was going to use magic to transport two of my more heavy things into the apartment and they should be arriving pretty soon-"

"WHY IS THERE A SILVER GUITAR ON THE SOFA!" my mom yelled. I looked at Adelia and we both burst out laughing and ran to get her guitar and some of her mechanical stuff i didn't understand. 

A/N: So nice little chapter with fluff and stuff. I'm not gonna write about Adelia telling Percy about the full story of her dad - he will know about it all though - but you all know all the lines of what happened.

Also can we get this chapter to 5 votes b4 i post the next chapter!

Thank you!

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