ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 12

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Percys POV

That night i had my worst dream yet.

I was running along the beach in a storm. This time, there was a city behind me. Not New York. The sprawl was different buildings spread farther apart, palm trees and low hills in th distance. About 100m away were two men fighting. They looked like wrestlers. They both wore Greek tunics, one trimmed in blue the other in green. They grappled and kicked and head butted. 

I had to stop them i didnt know why. But the harder i ran the mor here wind blew me back, until i was running on the spot. further down the beach i saw another figure this time a girl. My age from the height. Flowing brown hair and shockingly white-blue eyes. It was Adelia. She was in the same predicament as i was. She saw me and her eyes widened. 

"GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK!" The blue robed one screamed at the green. The waves got bigger crashing against the beach. 

"STOP IT!"  Adelia yelled. She carried on yelling and i did too but the men couldn't hear us. The ground shook. laughter came from somewhere a voice so deep and evil it turned my  blood to ice.

"Come down my little heroes," the voice crooned. "Come down!" The sand split open around me and swallowed me whole.

I woke up sure i was falling. i was still in bed in Cabin 3. My body told me it was morning but it was dark outside, thunder rolled across the hills. I jumped out of bed. I ran all the way to Cabin 8 a.k.a Adelias cabin (Artemis). When i arrived she turned was closing the door Rhine her frantically putting on her silver leather jacket. She turned and saw me. 

"You- you were in my dream." I said. 

"Aww you dream about me Perc that's sweet." At my look she stopped joking, "Yea you were in mine too"

"Should we tell someone?" I asked.

"Nah its probably nothing in this crazy ass world we are living in now."

"Um- ok" i said still sceptical. She look at me and then giggled her hand covering her mouth. What was so funny? 

Ah i see i was still in my pjs.

"I'll let you go fix that seaweed brain."

"Seaweed brain?" 

"Yeah well since you're a son of Poseidon now," she coughed i knew what she was going to do.

"Don't you da-"


"You're insufferable you know that." Her little statement alerted Grover to where we were. 

"Percy I've been looking everywhere for you. Mr D wants to see you and Adelia." He glanced at her. I felt an unexplained surge of anger. I clenched my fists then i realised i was doing it and stopped. What was that all about?

"Why?" Asked Adelia.

"He wants to kill- i mean i better let him tell you." 

"One minute G-man. I need to get changed." Grover nodded his head.

Adelia's POV

For days I'd been expecting a summon to the Big House. Now that I was a daughter of Artemis someone who wasn't supposed to have kids, i figures it was a crime for me to even be alive. Even though it was explained why. Other gods were probably deciding the best way to kill me and Mr D had their answer. I saw a massive storm cloud rolling over the sky. I asked Grover if we needed an umbrella. 

"No," he said, "It only ever rains here if we want it to."

I pointed to the storm. "then what the heck is that?"

He glanced uneasily at the sky. "It'l pass round us.Bad weather always does."

I realised he was right I'd never seen rain here even from the infirmary window. But this storm was....huge. Everyone was doing their daily things but they looked tense. They kept their eyes on the storm.

We met up with Percy and walked up the front porch of the Big House. Diyonisus sat at the pinochle table in his tiger striped shirt and with his Diet-Coke just like my first day. Chiron sat across the table in his fake wheelchair. They were playing against invisible opponents their cards hovering in the air. 

"Well well our celebrities." Mr D said without looking up. 

We waited. 

"Come closer and don't expect me to kowtow to you,mortal, just because old Barnacle-Beard is your father" Mr D said. 

A net of lightning flashed across the clouds. Thunder shook the windows of the house. 

"Blah, blah, blah," Dionysus said.

Chiron feigned interest in pinochle. Grover cowered by the railing, his hooves clopping everywhere. 

"If i had my way i would cause your molecules to erupt in flames. We'd sweep the ashes and be done with a lot of trouble which you two will undoubtedly bring. But Chiron seems to think that would be against my mission at this camp; keep you brats from harm."

"Spontaneous combustion is a farm of harm Mr D," Chiron put in. 

"Nonsense boy wouldn't feel a thing. Nevertheless, I've agreed to restrain myself. I'm thinking of turning you into a dolphin instead and send you back tho your father Peter Johanson. But, Adelia Topaz the fates have too much in store for you and considering what you are i cannot harm you. Your mother would wipe me from existence and i quite like being a god. Although if i did harm you. You would just come back."

"Mr D-" Chiron warned but i wanted to know more. Why would i come back hats wrong with me. 

"Oh, all right," Mr D said, " There's one more option. But its deadly foolishness." Dionysus rose. "I'm off to Olympus for the emergency meeting.

Dionysus snapped his fingers and the air seemed to fold and bend around him. He became wind and then was gone. 

"Sit Percy, Grover, Adelia. Tell me what did you two make of the monsters you met before coming here."

Just thinking about them made me shudder. Chiron probably wanted us to say. Heck it was nothing gimme a few more. But i didnt want to lie to him. 

"They scared me," i whispered and Percy nodded his head but gave me a sideways glance. 

"You will meet worse. Far worse before you're done."

"Done with what?"

"Your quest of course. Will you accept it Percy?"

I glance to Grover, who was crossing his fingers.

"Um sir," Percy said. "You haven't told me what it is yet."

Chiron grimaced. "Well that's the hard part, the details."

Thunder rumbled across the valley. the storm clouds had now reached th beach. As far as i could see the sky and the sea were fusing together. 

"Poseidon and Zeus they're fighting over something valuable.... Something that was stolen aren't they?" I guessed. Chiron and Grover exchanged a look. This conversation carried on for a good 10 minutes but during all of it my question wasn't answered. What was that pain i felt on my back. 

"All right i accept it's better then being turned into a dolphin"

"Then it is time you consulted the oracle."

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