ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 10

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(A/n: so I'm making a bit up in this part)

"Would someone like to explain what the Hades just happened??" Annabeth shouted. 

Chiron rubbed his forehead. "My dear i wish i could explain." 

"Why are we here?" I asked. Percy nodded his head to my question. 

"Percy and you both have your own problems to deal with." Said Chiron. 

Percy pointed to me, "Hers first." 

I huffed i was still fuming at Percy and was refusing to even look at him. 

"Well, Lady Artemis is a maiden as you may know so she never had kids she only has her hunters. So it has very much confused me why you are here Adelia but the gods do not make mistakes when claiming their children. But if you are a child of Artemis then that also worries me."

"Firstly, isn't there an explantion in any of the myths ever? Second why does that concern you also Chiron?"

"Well," Annbeth said looking to Chiron for permission to carry on. He raised his eyebrows but nodded, "There has only been one moment in our history ever that Artemis came close to having children and that was when she met a man hunter that had the same views as her. She started to wish she wasn't a maiden and she started to feel herself become pregnant but she stopped that before it started."

"Wha- Wait so I'm a child made of wishes? She might not have even wanted me but she didn't stop the wish fast enough?! Great just great."

Chiron went to open his mouth, presumably to comfort me but a beam of white light came into the room and we all looked away. 

When i had stopped blinking there was a goddess infront of us. Artemis. Her hair was plaited down the side entwined with gold and she wore a short sleeveless dress.

"Dear me Percy close your mouth it is extremely rude." She flicked her hand and Percys' mouth shut. She pulled up a chair and sat. 

Chiron bowed. So did Annabeth and so did Percy. I didn't. 

Artemis raised her eyebrow at me. I just crossed my arms. 

"Adelia it is rude not to respect a goddess and your mother."

"I dont give a monkeys nuts if you are a goddess and as for my mother god your far from it." I said trying to keep my anger under control. She laughed. 

"Very well then my daughter. I see me in you very much. Even if you dont accept it. Stand the rest of you." and they did. 

"My lady. Could you please bless us with an explanation of how Adelia came to be." Annabeth said head bowed. 

I scoffed and muttered, "Came to be. No-one speaks like that. My parents just had s-"

"Very well. I was on a hunt with my hunters, who by the way know of my curse-" 

"Curse? Oh so I'm a child of a curse now great." I said feeling more and more of a freak. 

She carried on talking, "That if i wish for a child with a certain man long enough i will fall pregnant with his child. And i did. Adelias father. A brave man-" 

"A man who dumped me on the streets may i add." I interrupted 

"A brave man who held the same virtues as me not to have kids and to focus only on work and having a life of freedom. He learned to hunt with me. He taught me all about his world and after a year with him i wished for a child when he showed me his brother and his children. I wished for a child so hard that it came to be. Many of my hunters left me but those who understand i did not wish this curse upon myself stayed. Most of them stayed. I had all the symptoms of pregnancy but when i chose to give birth to Adelia. She was created from moonlight. I had never seen such a beautiful child. Skin glowing and bright eyes. However she was sick. So sick she was on the verge of death. The fates even came personally to snip her life cord. So i did the only thing i could i transferred some of my godliness into my only child. That's why she is so much more than a normal demigod. She has the powers of bending moonlight, speed, agility, strength the ability to partially change into other animals and control over sickness and health." Artemis said tearing up only when she talked about her hunters.

"YAY I'm a cursed child you didnt want. Your poor hunters left you when my dad dumped me on the streets at aged 4. I'm a miracle baby and have great powers! But i am not your child. Now if you will excuse me i have no further business talking to a mother who abandoned me." I said matching her tone and walking out. 

Annabeth followed me. I walked all the way to the beach with Annabeth behind me. 

"So that went well?" She asked. 

"Great, amazing, fabulous isn't it i finally find the parent who first left me and the figure out my other parent i bet on having some story of how Hades took me from them or something just wanted to give me up."

"I'm sorry Adelia"

"You dont have to be. It's not your fault neither of my parents wanted me."

"Hey do you not cry or something? I cried when i left my house"

"I haven't cried for a long time it is a waste of time."

"Ok i get the hint. I shall disappear." And she did literally when i turned around she was gone. 

I breathed a sigh of relief. People asking me how i was always felt fake. Even if Percy asked me. I stood up and walked to the sea. I took a step in at a time. This time it was going to work. I didnt want to be here or anywhere on the earth so maybe I wouldn't be.

(Whats Adelia gonna do?)

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