ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 14

543 8 2

Adelias POV

Honestly i could barely stand to be near Percy right now. He blurted things i wanted to stay personal to the whole camp. And he didnt have the right. Sure his mom got taken and I'm so sorry Sally got taken she was the best. But just cause she was taken doesn't mean he gets to take it out on me. 

"ADDIE!!" I heard Clarrise yell knocking on my door. I knew that was coming. Clarrise decided to be my best friend out of nowhere. And when Clarrise says something it happens. Now in most friendships one balances the other. Not this one we just amplify each other. 

"Coming C" i head over to the door and open it.

"YOUR GOING ON A QUEST?!" She screamed.

"Yeah I mean i was totally gonna tell you-" Then she squeezed the life out of me. 

"Congrats girlie honestly knew you would get on sooner or later. Shit you need to pack" 

"Ive already finished Clarrise." I said holding up my backpack. 

"You are not taking that. It's tiny. do you have ambrosia, nectar, toiletries, food heck even a toothbrush  

I shook my head to all of those things. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the Ares cabin. when we got in she grabbed a backpack and packed everything you would need if you were staying somewhere like a hotel. Plus a dagger a sword and ambrosia and nectar. 

"How.. how does it all fit in there?" I asked genuinely befuddled by the backpack. 

"a gift from dear old dad." She said sticking water bottles in before swearing at the sky. I presumed it to be aimed at her dad. "It will hold anything a demigod needs."

"Cool" i said. She just shrugged. She glanced at the clock on her wall. 

"Shit we are late." She said. We ran all the way to the top of the hill. I saw Percy Grover and Annabeth waiting for me. 

"Nice of you to join us Moon Girl" Percy commented sarcastically 

"Moon Girl?"

"Ya know Artemis goddess of the moon. -"

I hid a giggle

"Well yeah." Percy said scratching the back of his neck. Clarrise was glaring daggers at him. 

"C its alright." 

"Ok well see you went you get back Addie" Clarrise said hugging me before slipping a dagger into my weapons belt. "If he pulls any shit stab him." She whispered in my ear. I nodded before giving her a last hug and off she went. 

"Well... this is it." Said Grover.

"Yep" said Annabeth. 

"We're in the big leagues now" Percy said. 

"Lets hope we dont die" they all looked at me. "What its a nice thing to hope for!". Everybody started laughing after a few moments of silence. In the back of my mind a voice was telling me that would be the last time for a while. 

We started walking away but we heard a voice shout, "HEY!" I knew it was Luke straight away. He caught up to us. Annabeth blushed and i did too i mean... who wouldn't he had an athletic build and sandy hair and bright blue eyes that you could lose yourself in. 

 I didnt hear a talking voice so i assumed she listened to my request. 

"Adelia you kinda zoned out there you with us?" Annie asked. 

"Wha- oh uh huh." I said. Luke was looking at me worriedly. "Luke I'm fine i promise." He nodded his head but didn't lose the look. 

'Well.. we best be off right Adelia" Percy said yanking on my arm. 

"Jeez ok Seaweed Brain One minute." He nodded and him Grover and Annabeth started to walk away. I quickly ran up to Luke and hugged him. He was taken aback but put his arms around me.

"I'm scared" i whispered.

"It's ok to be scared. You'll come back alive and we can be together every second of the day forever if that's what you need" he whispered back. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek quickly before i lost my nerve. (An: I'm making Luke 17 in this book bc i didnt want such a big age gap) 

His eyes widened in shock but then i ran to catch up with everyone else. 

"What was that about?" Asked Percy. 

I felt a blush creeping up my neck so i pulled up my silver leather jacket collar and replied with a sharp, "Nothing Seaweed Brain just Luke wanted me to think up a nickname for him."

Percy huffed and stormed to the front no longer waiting for me at the back of the group. 

Out of nowhere Chiron galloped to us at the speed of light. 

"I forgot Percy Adelia these are for you." He handed us a box each. I sent a questioning look to Percy but he ignored me. I finally forgive him for yelling my life to the camp and he's angry with me. Go figure. 

I went to Annabeth and opened my box with her. It was a very simple version of a diadem. It had a silver moon pendant dangling from it and it took my breath away. It was beautiful. I put it on and i felt power coursing through me and the pendant shone. 

"Look there's a note!" Annabeth said. It read:

Dear Adelia, 

I know we are not on the best of terms right now but this diadem will help you control the mass of powers flowing through your body at the moment but if you pull on the moon pendant so it become a full moon it will turn to a dagger. It has a partner in crime if you will bu that is for you to discover. 

I wish you well daughter. Artemis

My first magical gift! Annabeth had an O shaped mouth and was staring at me like i was a queen. I took my diadem off and it shook her out of her stupor. She was still looking at me funny so i changed the subject. 

Freya here: 

Hello people. I am writing bottom parts for you guys. Read them if you want sometimes they will have important parts sometimes not, so up to you. 


Right Luke is 17 in this one 🤷‍♀️Make of that what you will. 


I just want to remind you guys to vote comment and whatever else you guys can do to support this book 


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