Part 15

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Adelia's POV:

I had gotten Percy's Coke out and waited for him but he didn't come back after an hour so I started to go to sleep when another knock on the Cabin's door woke me up. 

Thalia's face greeted me and she told me, "We need to pack." I nodded and opened the door further so she could come in. It seemed she had already packed so she obviously came here because she wanted to be far away from the Hunters. I didn't blame her. 

Half an hour later I had finished packing and Thalia stole one of my packets of crips. The little she-devil. We walked out since it was the start of the day and it was time to go on the quest to save my mo- Artemis. 

Was i worried for her?


Was it because she was my mom?


We met Zoe, Bianca and Grover at the hill with no Phoebe in sight. Huh. 

"Where's the Phoebe girl?" I asked Zoe

"That is not of thy's concern" Was the reply. I shrugged it off. Chiron wished us well on our trip and just like that we were off. 

Zoe was driving, why? I have no fucking clue. She drove like a madwoman. I suppose time was of the essence but still. I would rather not die to save a Goddess. But needs must. We got to New Jersey in no time and soon after that we reached Maryland which made me want their cookies. 

Were they even made in Maryland?

Anyway after literally hours of waiting Zoe pulled over at a rest stop. 

We set off towards a store where we could stock up on some food. Some gods damned food that wasn't cheez whiz supplied by yours truly. We were in and out quickly but as we were walking out my demigod senses were on high alert. Someone was watching us..

"Thalia, someones here..." I whispered to her. 

She looked at me as if i was crazy and just replied, "I don't feel anything off..."

Then Zoe butted in, "She will because she is the spawn of my lady. It's part of her power. It will help with hunting in the future." 

"The future?" I asked and Zoe looked shocked. 

"You did not know? If my lady hasn't told you it is not my place." I was now very curious. We rounded a bend and listened to Grover talking about his tracking spell.

"Grover, are you sure?" Thalia was saying.

"Well... pretty sure. Ninety-nine percent. Okay, eighty-five percent."

"And you did this with acorns?" Bianca asked, like she couldn't believe it.

Grover looked offended. "It's a time-honored tracking spell. I mean, I'm pretty sure I did it right."

"D.C. is about sixty miles from here," Bianca said. "Nico and I..." She frowned. "We used to live there. That's... that's strange. I'd forgotten."

"I dislike this," Zoe said. "We should go straight west. The prophecy said west."

"Oh, like your tracking skills are better?" Thalia growled.

Zoe stepped toward her. "You challenge my skills, you scullion? You know nothing of being a Hunter!"

"Oh, scullion You're calling me a scullion? What the heck is a scullion?"

"Whoa, you two," Grover said nervously. "Come on. Not again!"

"Grover's right," I said. "D.C. is our best bet."

Zoe didn't look convinced, but she nodded reluctantly. "Very well. Let us keep moving."

"You're going to get us arrested, driving," Thalia grumbled. "I look closer to sixteen than you do." 

"Yeah Zoe the police literally pulled us over! And we don't talk about what i had to do to stop us getting arrested. I will NOT be doing that again." 

If anyone's wondering as soon as i saw the police lights i stole some of Thalia's black eyeshadow and pulled out some lipgloss and pulled my shirt down. I had to literally flirt to a police officer who was like 30. Fucking pervert. My whole respect for boys was fast crumbling, not like there was much after the first quest.

"Perhaps," Zoe snapped. "But I have been driving since automobiles were invented. Let us go. "

Zoe was kidding right because auto-mobiles were invented like....a gazillion years ago. That must make her suuuppper old. She could be my great-great-great-great-great-Grandma. I shook the thought away.

As we got closer to Washington, we started to slow down again, we crossed the Potomatic River into the centre of Washington. Zoe parked us up at the curb and we all started piling out until Grover fell on top of me and we both went tumbling to the ground. 

"For fucks sake." I said when i cut my hand on some glass. Let me tell you Washington streets were gross. I got the funny feeling someone was watching us again but i didn't question it this time. I just let my instincts to take over. My mind zoned in on a particular place and sea-breeze hit me. I knew who had been following us straight away. I smiled but Grover must have taken it as a grimace from the pain of my hand. 

He rushed to grab a bandage and he hastily wrapped it around my hand apologizing non stop. I told him not to worry and looked at my hand. Grover really needed to learn how to wrap bandages but it would do for now.

Grover then pointed us to a building near the Mall and we trudged off in the cold wind to said building

Finally, Grover stopped in front of a big building that said NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM. The Smithsonian! I'd never been here before. It looked lame.

Thalia checked the door. It was open, but there weren't many people going in. Too cold, and school was out of session. We slipped inside.

Soon i lost the feeling of Percy which made me worry. Where was he? Was i imagining him? If i was imagining him, why? A new smell had overpowered his. It reminded me of something (something bad) but i couldn't put my finger on it.

We started walking around the museum and i wasn't quite sure what we were doing here. I didn't say anything though because it was nice to stretch my legs and not sit squashed between Thalia and Grover. By the gods that goat could talk.

We started looking around and everything was normal, mortals were here but something felt off. Wrong. Everyone must have subconsciously picked up on ti because Thalia tensed up, Zoe started walking slower, Grover held his pipes tighter and Bianca stroked her side where she kept her sword. Things weren't looking good

A/N: VERY SHORT CHAPTER!! But i thought it would be nice to show everyone what happens while Percy flies over with BlackJack. But yeah it was nice chapter to write. Percy's POV is next!

23 more chapters to go!

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