ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 21

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Percy's POV:

"Lost who?" a voice boomed. 

We all jumped

Standing behind us was a guy who was at least 7 feet tall and completely bald. He smiled and it reminded me of a snake, one that you have nightmares about. He had a 70s look going on that i knew the Aphrodite kids would throw up looking at. I cant even describe it. 

"I'm Crusty," the man said with a tartar yellow smile. 

I resisted the urge to say yes, yes you are. I could tell Adelia was actually about to say it so i quickly said, " Sorry to barge in, we were just um... browsing."

"Running from those no-good kids you mean," I cursed under my breath when i saw Adelia step behind Annabeth absolutely petrified. " say you kids wanna look at some water-beds?"

I was trying to think of an excuse but the man put a big paw on my shoulder steering me away from the exit. There was every kind of water-bed you could ever want, queen-size, king-sized, emperor-of-the-universe size. 

"This is my most popular model the million hand massage. Shoot take a nap, no customers today anyway."

"Um i don't think-" i started

"Million hand massage oh you guys this is cool," Grover yelled laying down. 

"Hmmm, almost, almost." Crusty said.

"Almost what?" Adelia said. 

"Do me a favour for me honey, come try this one over here might fit."

Annabeth said, "What-"

Crusty led her over to the safari deluxe model. Annabeth didnt want to lie down but Crusty pushed her down.

"Hey!" She protested.

He snapped his fingers,"Ergo!"

Ropes lashed around onto Annabeth and held her down. 

'N-not c-c-cool," Grover yelled his voice vibrating from the million-hand massage, "n-not c-c-cool at a-a-all." He tried to get up but ropes held him down.

The giant looked at Annabeth, then turned towards Adelia. "Almost, darn it. Now young girl you come try this one with LED lights that match your mood." Adelia was fighting but she was still in shock. Which was very understandable. Guess it was down to me. 

I started to step away but he grabbed me after he had tied Adelia down, "Whoa kid. Don't worry. We'll find you one in a sec"

"Let my friends go," i said. 

"Oh, sure i will. Gotta make 'em fit first" Crusty said an evil smile on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"All my beds are exactly six feet see? Your friends are too short." He said his evil smile growing. And they all kept struggling but Adelia, it looked like she was perfecting a plan in her head. "Can't stand imperfect measurements. Ergo!" 

A new set of ropes lashed around their feet and started pulling in them. 

"Don't worry lad, these are stretching jobs an extra 3 inches maybe for them. Might even survive! Let's find a bed for you now yes?"

"Percy," Grover bleated. I knew I couldn't take this giant on myself. So i stalled 

"Your real names not Crusty is it?" I asked

"Legally? No its Procrustes" he replied gripping on to my shoulder. The Stretcher i remembered. "But who can pronounce Procrustes. Bad for business. But anyone can say Crusty"

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