Adelia makes a new friend

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Adelia's POV:

It had been three days since Percy and Annabeth had left to go back home. It hurt that I didn't feel like i could go anywhere but I suppose I wasn't the only kid that felt like that. The past three days had been boring but almost in a good way. 

It was nice to know what was going to happen everyday, that fear of the unknown not being there. Although training had become more intense recently. I reckon Chiron is trying to prepare us which is smart but there are 10 year olds here learning how to win a war. New classes had been added:

War strategy - run by the Athena kids

Knowing you terrain - run by the Demeter kids

They were the two main ones but all of the Cabin Leaders were running there own sessions for their cabins. I didn't have to do shit. 

Things were taken a lot more seriously all of a sudden and this wasn't a summer camp. It was a training camp for demigods. 

I'd just left battle combat run by the Ares kids. All classes were no longer based on age but skill. So some new 16 year olds were stuck with 12 year olds. The training was awfully tough and every one left sweating, even the instructors. 

I decided I needed to shower and then get some fucking perfume on. The shower took no time but when i was dressed in a grey t-shirt with an arrow over the heart and some black cargo pants I came to the conclusion i had no perfume. Now i was going to have to go to the Aphrodite cabin. 
For a cabin you would think would me sweet and sappy they sell fucking perfumes out the back of their cabin and they also sell some bags and shit for obscene amounts of money. Little scammers. Although some were nice. 

A new kid had just joined called Drew Tanika and by the gods she had attitude. I had so far stayed away from her but my luck ended very quickly when i saw her picking on a younger kid. All of the other cabin mates were out at their classes and no-one was around. 

I sighed cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, "Oi Tanika pick on someone your own size!"

She turned to me and said, "This is family business Topaz."

"Yeah well looked like you were being a bully again Drew. To your own sister." I said crossing my arms. 

"Half-sister and she deserved it. She stole my top!" Drew said. Gods sake.

"I swear i didn't Drew i just have the same top! You must have lost yours!" the little girl said walking forward. 

"Shove off Caleigh! You were the only one in the cabin!" Drew snapped at her sister. 

I stood in front of the little girl and said to Drew, "Look Drew you have two options here. One you walk away from this situation completely unscathed, dignity intact and can go buy another t-shirt. Or two you say one more thing to this kid and i challenge you to a duel. We both know that you will not walk out of that unscathed. Make your choice."

Drew huffed and started walking away before she mumbled, "Bitch."

I gave her the middle finger as i turned to walk back to my cabin. Then a small voice said, "That was amazing! No ones ever said something like that to Drew."

It was the little girl who I'd just defended, i gave a huff and said, "someone should have as soon as she walked around her like she owned the place. If you'll excuse me..." i said trying to step around the girl but she kept following me. 

"I mean I've heard some stories about your sword work and Drew is pretty crap at it-"

"Who the Hades taught you to swear at what 8?" I said to the girl.

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