Of Ghosts and Frogs

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"What happened?"

"You died. You humans are very prone to that."


"And you're not human?"

"Isn't that obvious?" asked the neon pink frog.

"No, I'm blind."

The frog then went on a mission to find new eyes for the sweet, little, blind girl-ghost. Little did he know that she was both a liar and Sarah. She could, in fact, see, but she didn't want the frog to know that she was just stupid.

Sarah's new, devious, world-destroying plan was to take all the eyes of all the beings that had somehow lived through both of the time she obliterated the multiverse, and then boil them all in a massive pot of eyeball soup. So as the day went on and the frog traveled, Sarah worked on said plan.

When the frog finally came back and gave her new eyes, she plopped them in and said: "I still can't see."

"Well, I don't know what to tell you then," the frog groaned.

"Get me another set," Sarah demanded.

"Who do I look like, the eyeball finder?!" the frog croaked with a sneer.

"Of course; that is what your t-shirt sa—" With a jolt, Sarah realized her mistake. "Oops."

"My what?"

A light flickered in the distance. Sarah and the frog ignored it.

"Wait a minute, you can see!" the frog accused, realization dawning across his froggy face.

Sarah gasped. "No-no I can't!

"The light in the distance flickered faster, but both Sarah and the pink frog continued to pay it no mind.

"Then how do you know I have a t-shirt on?" he accused, his beady frog eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I'm super smart like that."

"And I have a gun," the frog said as he pulled the trigger and shot Sarah.

Unfortunately, the bullet just passed through Sarah because she was a ghost.

It was then that the strange light exploded. Bright, piercing white light flooded the area, so harsh and vivid that Sarah and the frog both fell back in shock, covering their eyes in agony. Now Sarah really was blind, and the frog too.

Sarah decided to eat the frog: she knew he had healing abilities, and eating him would give Sarah her sight back. So, Sarah decided to trick the blind pink frog into walking into her mouth.

"Hey froggy, how high can you jump?"

Unfortunately, the frog was dead.

"Wha-how are you dead?!" Sarah yelled as she shook the frog. She hadn't known it, but the light didn't just have blinding powers—it also had frog killing powers.

Sarah started to disappear then, because the light had exorcising powers as well. And so the light absorbed Sarah, and she became Quixotic.

"And that is why you should not lie about being blind," came a mysterious voice. Another soon joined it.

"You should definitely lie about your previous murders, though."

"Nah, that's something to be proud of."

"Fine. Do whatever you want, but don't blame me when you are arrested and eaten by dolphins. Now, don't tell me you forgot about The Great Kitten, Turtle, and Puppy War."

"Ehhh...I haven't read that one yet..." the first voice—Quixotic, apparently—admitted guiltily, seconds before a dolphin leapt out of thin air and swallowed her whole.

"Well, that's not something you see everyday," the second voice said.

"You can say that again, sister," said another voice. I think these are the authors talking at this point.

"You will now be charged with murder," came yet another voice.

"Yikes!" says whoever is talking, not wanting to get caught with murder charges.

"Indeed," Editor Dreams said, surveying the final few sentences with a thoughtful frown as she tried to figure out how to end this."

Taking off the mask, one person revealed himself to be none other than Sarah, wanting to rectify herself just this once! She found a shiny red button, clicked it, and destroyed the universe.

Editor Drems shrugged in the newfound void, and then dissolved the fourth wall to boot the readers out of the story. The End~

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