Of Romeo and Greek Mythology

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In any other mission, she would have been grateful for the natural cover, but tonight it made her uneasy.

If she could hide, so could her enemies.


The girl, none other than Sarah, was hiding in a tall tree. She made it to the top, making sure she could see far enough to spot her enemies.

"Oh Romeo, oh Romeo, where art thou Romeo?"

Little did Sarah know, the man named "Romeo" had an innocent little laser pointed at her. He fired, but missed the first time.

Sarah was extremely mad, and so she used her laser eyes and pointed them at him. She thought about where to shoot. Then, she remembered that he absolutely loved his abnormally large hat. She shot, making it disappear, leaving just a trace of dust.

Now that his hat was gone, Romeo fainted; he couldn't process the loss. Sarah viewed this with a sly smirk on her not-so-innocent face.

But Romeo didn't faint; it was all a ploy to get to know Sarah's next move. But she was clever enough to not be fooled by Romeo again. She pointed an arrow at him, ready for any sudden movements. The arrow was tipped with silver, as Romeo was a werewolf in disguise.

"Hey, Sarah. Why Romeo when I make a cameo?" Drak the Cula entered from the fireplace with a glass of sunshine.

Sarah was surprised and randomly shot the arrow in her hand at Drak. But Drak was chaos undefined, and went by the name of Frankenstein.

Romeo stood up and bit Sarah, turning her into his slave for all eternity. But with that came a curse he had to endure for eternity.

And then a fly came along with malaria and bit Romeo. He died so quickly, he couldn't even enjoy his curse. Now Romeo was dead. Sarah was free again.

Sarah ran wildly through the forest, not caring about the dangers that were still after her. Nor was she aware of the danger right in front of her, until she looked behind to see if she was being followed and ran face-first into a thick buttress tree.

"Ouch!" the tree yelled. It grabbed Sarah with a root and held her in the air.

Blood rushed to Sarah's head, creating that dizzy feeling. She passed out for a minute, but was woken up by unbearable pain. A single hair had been ripped off her head.

The tree and Sarah were yelling at each other from the pain when something interrupted them.

"Actually, it is many somethings," the beans said, standing there with Sarah.

A very jealous zombie-Romeo, having just awoken from the dead, peeked around a nearby tree. He marched along with several other jealous zombies, towards the tree. Then they got distracted by a very nice butterfly. And the butterfly led them far away from the tree. The tree started walking, but no one knew where. They were following the magic butterfly after all, which led them to a safe place where Sarah found her passion - the gift to annoy.

sArah (a new character, apparently) would argue that she was actually way more annoying than Sarah was, but since they couldn't agree on this they had to put it up to a vote. Suddenly, Rowan Atkinson appeared from out of nowhere and held up a voting sign.

And legend has it that they're still voting to this day.

"Really..." Sarah sighed.

The vote was a tie, so she decided to invite one final guest to the voting party, saying: "It'll be nice to see One Final Guest To The Voting Party again!"

At that moment, a loud thud rang throughout the place. Shrek had arrived! He voted for himself; as it turned out, he got the least number of votes. Shrek ate the cake. And then the beans ate the mighty Shrek. And Percy ate the blue jellybeans, since he was starving. And then a donkey entered and ate Percy. But it spat Percy out, because it realized it did not eat humans! But the donkey kinda liked the taste of humans and ate Percy again.

Annabeth stood ten feet away, shaking her head. "Doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo, doo doo."

Poseidon got angry at the donkey for eating Percy, so he killed the donkey. And then Poseidon turned into a donkey and fell off a tree. And then the tree fell on the donkey, Poseidon, and ate it.

Percy reincarnated because Percy is me, an eternal writer destined to destroy, annihilate and murder the lives of all the Sarah's in the universe. But not before being brought back by Thanos, who had made a deal with sArah.

And then, the authors decided to throw a pillow at Sarah. And then they threw a pillow at sArah, Percy, and the eaten donkey. Poseidon survived and pushed a button, causing the story to explode.

The End

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