A Love Story... Or Not When The T.V Is Involved

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"I promised... " He gasped for breath. "That I would protect you. And I intend to keep the damn promise."


Andrew lifted his sword as he spoke, jabbing the gleaming silver blade at the man before us. "Even if the promise was just a big fat mistake I made over stupid impulse," he spoke with a voice mix of frustration, fury, and fatal regret.

"Oh, you know you love me," I snap back, keeping my eyes trained on the stranger.

"I thought you guys were married..." The stranger trailed off giving us a confused look. And then Andrew died due to chlamydia.

"Well," I say after a moment, looking down at Andrew's body, "we were." Before I can remove my mask and reveal that I'm Sarah, I hear the sound of a gun being shot. The reveal would have to wait, it was time to become the ninja I was always meant to be.

I leaped towards the man, shooting fireballs at his head. Unfortunately, he vaporized them with his laser glare.

"Your fire is no match for me," he scoffed, flipping the gun in his hand as his eyes returned to their normal luminosity.

"Oh yeah?" I asked as a flood of lava suddenly swallowed him up and yeeted him into another dimension. A dimension filled with Sarahs.

"Wait, it's all Sarah?"

"Yes," The Sarahs intoned, surrounding him and staring at him with large, creepy, soulless eyes. He screamed as he too was painfully transformed into a Sarah.

"Wha- what have you done to me?" And then the world became so unstable that the point of view was shifted from first-person to second-person. The second person couldn't handle it, the world had to go on, It drifted to the third person. "Andrew " the Sarahs called him.

But then it drifted to fourth-person, and the earth became 2D in the process. In the 2D world, there were no bugs or bunnies, but only carrots. The Sarahs ate those carrots and their eyesight became so good that they could do extraordinary things, like see through objects, have night vision and shoot lasers from their eyeballs.

Life was great, but the Sarahs had a problem- they were getting hungry for something more. The Sarah's turned their eyes on a bakery, their mouths already watering at the thought of what was inside. They peered in through the bakery windows-and to their excitement and shock, laid their eyes upon the biggest and tallest chocolate cake they had ever seen. The Sarah's stormed into the bakery and surrounded the cake, but before they could start eating it the owner came out.

The owner was none other than Quixotic herself.

"Missed me?" asked Quixotic, twirling a knife. A kid ran towards the bakery and fainted in front of the window. And instead, Sarah ate all of the color blue in the world. As soon as she ate the blues, She realized there was no kid but it was all her excited imagination. Her excited imagination then left her and floated up into the sky, never to be seen again.

The excited imagination floated in space, only to have an alien ship hover over it and abduct it in a blue beam of light. The aliens took the excited imagination onboard to conduct some tests and sucked all the excitement out of it in the process. The aliens were bored to death, they turned her into a living popsicle and dropped her somewhere in Antarctica.

People of Antarctica found her buried in ice and did some experiments on her. Those experiments excited her mind, she climbed the iceberg and jumped into the freezing ocean. She swam in it for a while; the excitement giving her the power to collect the hidden heat.

Quixotic watched with a soft smile, tapping her knife against her chin. Quixotic thought she was safe from the hidden heat of the ocean, but aliens captured her as well. They transformed her into a slab of butter.

She contemplated why life had gone so rapidly downhill for her as she was spread onto toast by a Sarah stowaway. She thought the least she could do was make sure no one else got to experience happiness ever again either - the self-destruct button for the spaceship was right beside her, after all.

The stowaway Sarah flipped to butter the other side and Quixotic butter saw her chance, with the slippery side now on Sarah's hand she slid right off and straight onto the button. Except the button was merely a decoy, because who puts the self-destruct button where any old dairy product can touch it?

Why, Santa Claus, of course!

Quixotic butter pushed the button, but instead of the ship self-destructing, lavish presents rained down from the sky and everyone was showered with expensive gifts. Within those presents was a pet that every child had wished for, to the horror of the parents. Its name was the sguiggadoodel, and it took the shape of any child's greatest desire, mashed together with every parent's greatest fear.

One child, in particular, wished for a mythical creature that was bound to ruin any city within its reach! It was a hybrid, with the wings and face of a dragon but with a body of a cat and the legs of a spider. The moment the child had finished thinking of his wish his present box quivered and shook, then burst outward as the ginormous creature barreled forward, spewing magma, fire, and ice up into the heavens.

"Mom, I love 2D Christmas because It's full of amazing wonders, and please don't switch off the T.V". But the mother of the child, switched off the T.V and The T.V twisted and withered and black smoke erupted from it. And they lived happily ever after, without a tv.

The Mother was happy that her child was not spoiled by the T.V and the child was happy that he discovered new hobbies without T.V. But the T.V was offended, so it absorbed the mother and her son into a horror movie.

And thus, they lived in eternal agony, forced to make bad and fatal decisions on an endless loop. Oh well.

(Editor's Note: I desperately wanted a love story but I failed hard with all the chaotic people around)

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