Let the Games Begin!!!

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Each year, all the wizards, sorcerers and other magical beings come together for a tournament. They gamble their powers and magical tools.


This year, Ryan decided to participate and do something different in the tournament.

He carefully plonked the tortoise in the palm of his hand and brought it to eye level

The tortoise looked at Ryan, straight at his eyes and sang, "Look me in the eyes, tell me what you see."

And the tortoise said, "I see humans but no humanity"

A human named Humanity jumped up from the crowd and shouted, "I'm here!!!"

The tortoise continues on, ignoring the human named Humanity.

So a humanity named Human decided to show up.

And suddenly, it was raining cats and dogs, literally.

As all the cats and dogs fell onto the earth, they all started to randomly gain human speaking knowledge

“G’day to you, matey,” one dog said as he landed beside the tortoise.

"All these greetings and you chose to be British," the tortoise hissed.

“Excuse you, I am clearly Hawaiian,” the dog argued.

He proceeded to hula to prove his point.

In the meantime, the cats were enjoy their apple juice. One also offered the dogs, "Apple juice anyone?"

The tortoise then started tap dancing due to stress and Ryan was being scratched to death by kitties.

“Oh no,” said Ryan, and spontaneously combusted.

“Yes, quite,” muttered Hawaiian dog.

The cats then declared war.

Tho scared of Hestia, but still the bunnies also decided to join the war.

And the tortoise is still tap dancing.

Soon there was a dog, bunny and cat war; and no one could stop them!

The humans, confused as to what was going on, began to retreat from the scene.

"Good, only the animals will reign!" A black and white husky roared victoriously, their plan for take-over working like a charm

Hearing this the human named Humanity lost all her already non existent humanity and began eating the dogs one by one.

And then the Winged Hussars arrived to destroy the chaos.

Upon the mountains of the great underwater lands of Atlantis sat a derp faced merking who decided now would be the best time to launch the secret nukes the merfolk had been building for centuries.

These nukes turned everything into fluffy chuzzles upon contact.

And nothing was left, for the impact of the nukes killed everything in the nearby vicinity.

"It is always the nukes," yelled the tortoise like a sloth.

He took a slow step, but slipped and fell headfirst into the mass of fluff now covering the earth.

"FLUFF IS EVERYWHERE!" He shouted slowly, getting entangled in the fluff grumpily.

"If fluff is everywhere, then so am I," Sarah whispered as she slowly revealed herself to the viewers from the shadows.

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