Sarah's 2498324th Death

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House is on fire. Family runs out front, you run out the back. When not accounted for by rescuers, you are pronounced dead. You've accidentally faked your own death and have decided to roll with it.


This is perfect. I always knew Sarah would go like this. Now to execute the long forgotten and buried master plan. I opened the door, grabbing my laptop. If anyone found anything on it, it would be game over. I walked out of the back door and heard a sound in the dark distance. I wondered if it was my ghost making that whooshing sound, but realized it was impossible since I wasn't actually dead... right?

Well, I could smell something weird so I guess I was still alive. But for how long? Since I was hungry, I grabbed some chocolates that had almost expired and ate them.

"Risen from the ashes, have you Sarah?" a voice sneered behind me.

"Who-who are you?"

"You can say that I am the world, the universe, a god," the voice spoke. "But most importantly. I am you."

The director from behind the fourth wall scrunched his face in confusion as the script changed in front of him. And why, the director thought to himself, do I keep on getting dragged into the story?

Sarah slapped the director for his terrible improv skills. "Focus on the story please, Mr. Director," she said.

"Yes," he continued, "I do suppose you'd like to know how it turned out like this."

Returning to the first person point-of-view, I once again confronted the voice. "I know your master plan."

"That's impossible—like actually impossible, considering I don't have a plan."

"Make one so we can run from this situation."

But as it turned out, no plan was needed. The world exploded, and everything went silent.

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