Paul Aron- I love you

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requested by sasgang01

8 Is that my hoody

17 You've changed my life for the better baby

20 I cant stop looking at you

As you sit with your head in your laptop, it is nearly exam season and you are nervous. But you want to be the best girlfriend that you can be and are currently in Italy with Paul rather than at home like everyone else studying. He had almost begged you to come help him study whilst he could between training and doing race stuff.

You feel someone staring at you. Looking around the room, Paul isn't by his own laptop and you can hear Ralf on a video call in another room. "Why are you staring at me weirdo?" You say as you can't quite figure out where he is. You hear Paul chuckle at himself, making you feel uneasy. "I like looking at you baby... I cant stop looking at you. Your concentrating face is so cute." You sigh, which makes him giggle more. "Here I made you a snack.. Since you are my favourite snack." You roll your eyes, taking the sandwich he had made you. "Thanks babe. Now are you going to do some work?" He shakes his head at you. "Nah. I'm good just watching you and thinking about how much you have changed my life for the better baby." You can't help but roll your eyes. You hate this sort of cuteness overload.

So you stick to your laptop and keep studying, as you know your parents would want you too. As much as the invitation to go and explore Italy is beckoning you. Plus Paul has the motivation as a sloth to stay and do studying, especially when the other guys in the team are going out to explore. But you are happy when both Aron boys leave, as it means you can take a long bath and enjoy the silence. Which has very rarely been a thing since you got here a couple of weeks ago. Not that you minded so much, as you had been missing Paul so much that you had been known to cry a lot which isn't like you.

After your bath Paul, still isn't home yet. Neither is Ralf. The eerie silence is getting to you now, what are you missing out on? Is Paul safe? Worrying seemed to be one of your main priorities, if not about school work, it was always Paul.

"Where are you?" You text him, trying to relax and watch You on netflix. "Be home soon baby.. Are you okay? I love you." You smile at Paul's text. "Love you more curly top." You see one of Paul's jumpers and pull it on, as you start to feel chilly and want to be close to him.

You must've dozed off as you wake up startled by the door closing. "Hey sleepyhead. I have just ordered us in some pizza. You've woke up in perfect time." Paul says sitting back down beside you on the sofa. Looking at you oddly and shaking his head. "Whats up?" You ask him. "Nothing I don't think. But is that my hoody?" You smile and nod your head. "Yeah. I got cold and missed you." Paul smiles at you. "Awww baby.. It looks better on you than it does on me." He pushes a kiss to your temple and can't stop smiling. "I love you... like really love you." Paul says, never had the same intense feelings for someone that he does for you. "I love you too Curly." You nudge him. But he just stares at you. "I need you in my life always... So you can always steal my jumpers, always look as cute as you do now." He says, looking at you. Kissing you deeply and holding your hand. "I will always be in your life. I promise." You nuzzle his cheek and kiss him.

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